Monday 21 March 2016

YGO Locals Report - Less than ideal

Honestly I didn't plan on writing this one but hey it's the last time I'm playing under this format so ultimately I've changed my mind.  That being said this day did not turn out as I had planned due to several factors I won't go into.  Suffice to say though that due to some miscommunication (and one person as usual not thinking things through) my dreams of finishing the format with Atlanteans ended up sinking faster than the Finebros good-shitty reputation as without Mermail Abyssleed, Genex Undine/Controller and Moulinglacia the deck goes from being an offensive juggernaut that will kill you blinding second with the ability to set up/hand loop you going first to being a glass cannon.  Not many people realize this which is why despite not actually owning the deck since Sept. 2014 I'm still the best water player in the city.  Nobody can fucking touch me with the deck and it became pretty clear after I talked a bit with the other water player in the room and from our conversation I learned that he's bad.  Rude?  Oh definitely but I've got the ability to back up these claims.

Anyway because I couldn't build water I had to hastily throw together Zefra Yang Zing which can do neat things but has largely struggled to keep up post BOSH format as Solemn Strike just ruins the deck.

Round 1 - Dark Magician (2-0)

Game 1 he played Swords of Revealing Light and it flipped up my Chiwen to which he decided to pass.  I Archfiend his Swords and ram Chiwen into his Prisma which confuses him but more importantly he lets it through rather than flipping up a garbage Yugi card like Magic Cylinder meaning I get to pull Jiaotu out of my deck with 2 Yang Zing in hand and he lets it resolve.  I spin his board away and end with a Titanic Galaxy and he eventually loses.

Game 2 he goes first and sets a monster to pass while I open with Jiaotu + 2 Yang Zing and enough search cards to set up a Pendulum Scale so I end up summoning 3 Baxia and a Void Ogre Dragon to his open board and he's hella dead.

Round 2 - vs Atlanteans (0-2)

I lose the dieroll and he makes me go first and my hand is Chiwen and nothing else.  Given that this is Atlanteans we're talking about here I decide to just scoop it up as knowing he can OTK me through my monster.  Game 2 he goes first and sets just one backrow and passes to which I'm like "YES!" but then I draw for turn and my hand is literally unplayable.  I use Upstart and 2 Chicken Games and draw into 2 Maxx "C"s but no summonable monsters and decide to scoop it up right here knowing that he'll OTK me regardless of my hand traps.

Round 3 - vs Stick Chair Pals (0-2)

Game 1 is a bit on the unfortunate side as he goes off a bit and makes Evilswarm Uroboros and with it he ends up discarding one of my Yang Zing which ultimately loses me the game as I start my turn being one card short of a Jiaotu combo string and I die on the next turn after he uses draw cards to eventually hit Face-Off.  Game 2 I straight up brick with 4 Scale 7s, a Path and a Strike so I'm basically playing with a 2 card hand and against any Dracopal variant that's pretty much a death wish.  Him resolving Draco Face-Off on the following turn didn't help any.

So that was that.  After the tournament I had a few games of Vanguard with Kaiser vs Messiah which I steamrolled because Woodhouse didn't want Saishin to kill his starter and instead allow me to land 4 Chatura hits so by the time I was able to stride I was at 17 cards in hand and he died.  Then I vs'd Harri and I'm still trying to figure out what happened.  I want to say I played it well enough as I killed his starter and pressured with Deathscythe but timely crits put me at 5 damage to his 1 or 3 and I couldn't flip a heal for the life of me.

Then after that we went to Applebee's and split.

-I played YGO for the second time in a month.  I've now gone from Legend to Part-Timer.
-Applebees was quality food.

-Not being able to play Waters
-Draco Face-Off can definitely go to one.  Fuck that card.
-90% of our players have become really irritating to be around from a gaming standpoint.  Between the grabbing your shit before you've even finished opening your packs/evaluating your pulls, the people standing behind you as you're playing and trying to backseat duel but suck at the game and the constant whining from others I find myself becoming increasingly agitated by just being in the room.  Stop giving me more reasons to not show up Regina.

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