Sunday 6 March 2016

YGO Locals Report - King of Memes

No you're not reading that wrong.  I actually played Yu-Gi-Oh! today.  It's only been over a month since the last time I participated at locals which had some...things happen since.  Anywho I'm not gonna go into all of the what and the why other than I simply don't have much of a desire to play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the moment as I'm not a fan of the current format considering your deck building options are;

-Play a deck that goes first and makes an unbreakable board unless your opponent opens the nuts, then kill them on your next turn.
-Play a deck that OTKs the opponent regardless of what they're playing going 2nd.
-Play a Helmet Deck with floodgates.

Thus I've been taking a break from the game as if I'm gonna lose to bullshit on a consistent basis, I may as well stick with Vanguard where the bullshit is so commonplace I've come to (mostly) accept it.  Now I'm not going go so far as to say that Vanguard is 100% the better game despite it being the only TCG that I play now and everything other than it is bad despite said game having massive problems with power creep because I'm not like our Force of Will player base.  It just so happens to be that Yu-Gi-Oh! doesn't have anything that really appeals to me enough to actively play at the moment.  For Vanguard I have currently 2 decks that I enjoy playing at just about anytime and an upcoming deck that I'm really excited to play and will actively use for the next couple of months.  Yu-Gi-Oh! doesn't until Shining Victories (Blue-Eyes) and Revival of the Divine Dragon (Felgrand) come out.  Oh sure I COULD go out of my way and play DracoPals, Atlanteans, Kozmo or BA once Premium Gold comes out and its known that Atlantean/Mermail is one of my favourite decks of all time...but that's still one deck in the game compared to 4 decks in the other.

Anyway those are my current feelings on the game of YGO.  It also doesn't help that I've got zero competitive motivation since the next Regional is being held in May which should be a different format from now so aside from a few games on the side there's no reason for me to get serious...which leads me into today's post where instead of going at it like what hipsters would call a try hard I decided to embrace my inner memester and decided that on this day I would unleash memes upon everyone at locals.  How would I do so?  Well first up I would need an awesome deck and thankfully there was just the thing thanks to the magic of the interwebs which allowed me to build a sweet looking Photon/Galaxy list that had a lot of solid theory behind it; turbo into Cyber Dragon Infinity with Number 23 Lancelot and hope to god it works.  While this goal makes the deck sound like one of those scubby Infinity Turbo builds (Soldier, Quickdraw, etc) the deck itself has a consider amount of varied combo plays that I've only been able to find about 10 of through goldfishing and play.  3 card combos are what make the deck work but what you DO with those 3 cards can be many things.

So after borrowing some cards from Derrick to finish the deck I was done the first part of my master plan.  The second involved finding an appropriate mat to play on and for that I busted out none other than the Swaground playmat (a bath towel) and finally upon arriving to Tramps I made my return to Locals in the most meme of manners;

I even did the Shane-O-Mac shuffle.  It was glorious.  Then the tournament started;

Round 1 - vs Magician/Familar (2-0)

Game 1 I open with a hand that's one card short of comboes so I pass with Emptiness and Twin Twister set.  Turns out my opponent thought were still in 2015 as he summoned Trick Clown and Jigabyte and went into Feral Imps to search out another Jigabyte.  I flip Emptiness before he's able to extend his play and take the 2300 before I topdeck Brilliant Fusion, blow up his lone set, go off and kill him.  Game 2 he goes first and sets a monster and plays Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon before passing over to me with a hand that would let me make a Rank 5 + Rank 8 board which I do.  It just so happened to be said board consisted of Constellar Pleiades and Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon which would allow me to attack directly for 9100 damage (6600 + 2500).

Round 2 - vs Monarch (2-0)

I knew that he was playing this deck beforehand and I died a little inside as vsing Monarchs is A never fun and B that deck never bricks against me.  Game 1 he gets Erebus + Dominion off to my hand of triple Galaxy Wizard, 1 Expedition and an irrelevant card and he hits the Expedition.  Rip.  However because I played 5 games against Chingo yesterday some of his talent must have rubbed off on me as I draw Reasoning and play it, he calls 7 and I hit Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and he can't clear it.  I proceed to win off the back of my 3k beatstick which is lol.  Game 2 he lets me go first and I make Infinity + Lancelot which he does out, but because he had to do awkward things he can't handle a second turn of meming and I win.  It also helped that he called 7 with Reasoning all the time.

Round 3 - vs Igknights (1-2)

Game 1 I win the dieroll and open with double Reasoning and Expedition.  I hit 2 Wizards and proceed to make Durendal, Infinity and Lancelot which is damn near impossible for anything to beat.  Game 2 he opens with Library and through Igknight plays has Bottomless and Warning set which I power through and make Tachyon Dragon in order to negate he scale effects since he had no cards in hand or extra deck but he topdecks Raigeki and I proceed to whiff on my third Reasoning, draw Soldier and 2 Trade-Ins while he pend summons a bunch of 4s and I die.  Game 3 I open 2 Trade-Ins, 2 Decree and 1 Twin Twister going first and he opens Library and a full hand of Igknights.  Before I scoop I see that he had Warning and Raigeki so even if I had something I was pretty much dead in the water.

And yet we still have fucking retards asking why I want Raigeki banned on the next list.

Despite this I somehow made it into Top 8 so I still had a chance to avenge myself.

Top 8 - vs Monarch (1-2)

Except not.  Game 1 I brick and can't out Domain so I lose.  Game 2 I make Infinity Lancelot with Twin Twister which he does clear but he doesn't have domain and I Twister his backrow so he loses. Game 3 I brick even worse by drawing into all 3 of my Maxx "C" off of Upstart + Trade-In and when I finally got to summon Soldier he had a Veiler for it and Stormforth'd it for Majesty's Fiend.

So that was that.  I ended up sitting around and talking random theory with people while Ryan lost in the finals due to his opponent having some ridiculous hands and played cards that Ryan deemed were no longer relevant to the format (yet just so happen to be seeing widespread play recently) and said card blew him out which got him mad.
Sidenote and this is gonna be tough to word without pissing people off but I'll try anyway: As I write this it just dawned on me that this is the second time in 2 months this kind of thing has happened and I wouldn't be surprised if there have been more instances where Ryan believes he's going to roll someone, said person however plays a card/build that he believes nobody should be playing because it's "dated", he loses the game because of it so he becomes tilted then ultimately loses the match which makes the tilting worse.  I'm noting this as this is the kind of thing people are going to start exploiting sometime down the road and if Matt and Evan are also able to be tilted like this then all three of them are going to have problems at Nats where people will be willing to try just about anything and everything to try and get that top.  The reason I mention Evan and Matt is that they share a much more similar mindset to Ryan than I do in regards to the game so what Ryan perceives as janky and shouldn't be played they may perceive as well (though I could be wrong in this.  It's not like both of them are as impressionable as Woodhouse is).  Compare this in contrast with Magnus who will likely agree with him on most aspects but is much more open to seeing it and trying it from the other side.  I'd say that this open minded aspect in regards to the game is one of the major reasons the guy is on a level nobody in the city is touching anytime soon.

So to TLDR if you play a build/cards that Ryan perceives as outdated, chances are he'll be blindsided and you have a good chance of winning the match and don't expect the majority of Regina's players to be following the ARG/Regional/YCS circuit and change their lists accordingly because prepping for that shit's not going to work here when it's literally all hands on fucking deck as far as our community goes.

There, got that one off my chest.  A bit ranty and I'm sure some people may think I'm shit talking like I did with Shard in the past (which he found out about and well...) but that's not my intent.  I know Ryan and Matt read this blog and I'm hoping what they see here is not an attack but critiques that I felt like needed to be brought up since I won't be playing YGO again for another month and a half probably.

That said for my first tournament in a while I did better than I expected.  Ryan tells me to play more often than I should since I'm one of the few people who can give him legit competition and I've somehow managed to make myself come off as one of those guys who can play meta decks but can play rogue/wonky decks (that aren't shit) well if I believe said deck has a chance of winning which truth be told I have and will do.  I have to admit I do like playing something that nobody has an idea of how it works as I can usually take advantage of a player's misplays and win off of it.  It's how I handled my matches with Disaster Dragon when sitting on Koa'ki Meiru Drago wasn't going to work.

Anyway after all that I profiled the deck, gave Derrick his stuff back while telling him my experiences with the deck and pretty much convinced him to put the Brilliant Fusion engine into it.  It helped.

-Made my return in glorious fashion.  Now to fully complete the parody by not showing up next week.
-My Swaground got a tremendous pop.  It was probably more over than Roman Reigns.
-Once again memed over people.  Apparently I was savage.
-In half of my games I got the main combo of Infinity + Lancelot off going first.  Considering this is just a prelim build that's actually quite scary.
-Sold off several excess cards or cards I picked up for a tenth of their current value.  DOLLA DOLLA.

-Bricking.  On the other hand when I didn't open well I outright lost.
-Raigeki.  That's now a Regional and an undefeated record I've lost to this thing being ripped off the fucking top.
-Monarchs.  But then again who (with a brain) doesn't hate that deck?  Now that the one Monarch player in our circle has a finished DracoPal deck he can finally spread his wings and take flight into the skies and combo, combo, COMBO.

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