Sunday 3 April 2016

CFV Win A Box Report - We be in there? Narr....

Third time's the charm right?  After all I've been to three of these now and have proceeded to miss top cut due to dubious circumstances *cough trigger sacking cough* so clearly I'm due for a break, right?

Sadly no.  Sadly no.

The day started off well as I in a shot in the dark manner decided I'd try to yolo build Seven Seas Granblue if I could and as fortune would have it I was able to borrow just about everything I needed off five people to build the deck minus Waterspout Djinns which I decided to offset through running 2 starters; 1 Peter the Ghostie and 1 Undying Departed, Grenache.  The build itself was based on a profile Team No Guard put up from a few years ago whose theory I applied here;

I should note though that since we're now in Stride Format and that Granblue has better units to call from drop zone I opted to run Ruin Shades to turbo mill and ultimately set up my Nightmist Strides.

Round 1 - vs Diablo/Dark Spray Dragon (2-0)

In both games my opponent drew hands that definitely could have been better while I drew hands that let me resolve multiple Banshee/Cutlass to build up hand, then play the game of call value units from drop zone and replace them with Slash Shade/Nightcrow when I could in order to maintain a board or as I'm calling it "playing the Nightmist game".  Between my 4 attacks per turn and decent hand (of 3 PGs) I'm able to win well before the danger of deckout presents itself.

Round 2 - vs Thing Blaster (0-2)

Game 1 I had to G-Assist for a Grade 1 Ride and miss it so I proceed to scoop it up given that I was up against Royals.  Game 2 I get my ball rolling and play damage control but ultimately lose to a mixture of misplays, him having 2 PGs during my Nightrose turn and running out of Heals while he's now at enough counterblast to get multiple Thing Savers off.  I scoop.

Round 3 - vs Witches (2-0)

This matchup started off hilarious as I kept letting my hollow'd units die so he couldn't fucko with them...but then I forgot Phantom Blaster Diablo existed and almost get punished for it.  Luckily this guy isn't Derrick so I don't get Critsacked at 3 damage, live and push his shit in with a 5 attack Nightrose turn.  Game 2 he's able to get his one Legion off that makes me call 0s from my deck but I wind up calling Banshee and Ghostie Family so the damage was nelgible while I kept terrorizing him with Negrorook into Slash Shade swings and maintaining a field so I wouldn't lose to Diablo.  Needing 30 k for my RG lanes plus a PG or no Guard my Vanguard for several turns will take a toll on slower decks such as his.

Round 4 - vs Revengers (0-2)

Crit.  Sacking.

Like I really wish I could go into more detail on this but Revengers are one of the most linear, auto pilot decks out there at this point and we've all played against them enough to know how the matchup goes.  Maintain hand/board so that you can guard PBD/RFD/Diablo, kill off their own RGs so that they have to call units down to eat and hope to god they don't sack you.  Thankfully this guy is not a pleb who runs 12 crit because in order to play Raging Form now you have to draw into your combo pieces.  But no I've gotta crit them to death yoloswagon360.

And as the result both games were back and forth as I tried to regulate his damage so that he couldn't get maximum value but also get him to a point where I felt safe pushing but eventually he would either break my guard with double crits or in the case of Game 2 after I put lethal damage on board he 6th damage heals twice and I lose to deckout.  Like fuck RNG.  Seriously.

So that was the day.  I ended up missing out on top cut again due to loltriggers which was annoying as the box that was the prize for this tournament ended up having a Secret Rare Ahsha which is 150 CAD at the time of this post.  On the other hand I had a blast playing Granblue and the Seven Seas deck in itself is a different kind of beast from Nightrose.  Its fast, can generate soft and surefire pluses and has a ridiculous stride game.  I can definitely see why the deck has taken off in Japan as it's legit as fuck.  Not looking to playing mirrors though.

-First player to play Granblue at our locals in like forever and I'm gonna go on a limb and say I've already played the deck better than most others.  Suck it "I played this deck before it was cool" hipsters!
-Definitely the first to play Seven Seas at our locals.
-My Decklist name: "Salty 7c's."
-Picked up a Nightrose G4 and a Negrolazy
-Fucking destroying Witches.

-My Game 1 against Ryan
-My Game 2 against Evan.
-My pack pulls were godawful.

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