Friday 29 April 2016

Quick update

Had some free time that normally I'd have spent shooting discussion videos/deck profiles but since I'm still not 100% over my cold talking for a prolonged amount of time wasn't an option.  So instead I redid one of the sections on here that was going to be a Wikipedia style database for X-Stars...except I haven't been bothered to work on any fiction for over a year now so it was literally sitting there doing nothing and as such it's GONE.  Now it's just a page full of all the OG cards ideas I came up with over the last few years that I'll update every now and then as I find some of my old jot notes from the Edmonton Trip a few years ago.  You can find it here if you want to check out the initial batch of Abyssal and Storm Deity (now remade as a "combo on me?  I'll punish you bro" deck) cards.

As for the next part as I'm sure it's apparent by now my lack of desire to Yu-Gi-Oh! has not gone away.  If anything it's only gotten worse as the direction the game is going in addition to just how fucking whiny the player base has gotten keeps pushing me away.  At this point I have no doubt in my mind that once the Movie Pack and the rest of the Blue-Eyes Support comes out I'm done putting any money into the game and the following Regionals I go to will probably be the last as a player.  I'll still keep involved in the game as a judge since Locals is going to need somebody with a head on their shoulders to handle that stuff but when it's getting to the point that Matt is talking about quitting and Ryan hates the best deck in the game then you know things are going downhill.

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