Sunday 24 April 2016

YGO Locals Report - Headaches abound

Before I go into this I just wanna say ofc I'm starting to develop a cold 3 weeks before an upcoming Regionals.  Hopefully I can get over it in time as I've always believed that you don't go on a road trip with people when you're ill as it's kind of a dick move to give everyone in the car and the venue what you've been putting up with.

That being said on this particular day I wasn't feeling 100% due to having a headache that lasted through most of the day so I was not in the mood to do a whole lot of thinking which immediately ruled out Burning Abyss, Pendulum and Xyz Monarchs as decks to play.  Well it's a good thing I opted to play Kozmos (at Ryan's insistence after testing yesterday) as it's going to be the best deck post SHIV once Fire King Island, Darklady and Darkwalker are released so it's for the best I try to get as much practice as I can and figure out my matchups along the way.  So after building a deck off of what Matt had and borrowing a 3rd Mojo and 2 Strikes from Ryan I had a list in mind that was based on Tincan/Soartroopers interactions as I felt it raised the deck's limited ceiling somewhat.

Round 1 - vs Trap Xyz.dek (2-0)

First game in a tournament setting with the deck and I...brick.  Like drawing multiple Kozmotowns, big ships and Mojo/Calls but no pilots for turns.  He lands a couple Assault Halberd hits before I get fed up and Twin Twister my field spell and one of his backrow which turns out to be one of those shitty trap monsters from a recent set.  Excuse me wut?  Burgesstoma aren't out yet and even then that deck is garbage as fuck.  Anyway I get my ball rolling and kill him in a couple turns before realizing I could have done it faster through Farmgirl.  Gentlemen behold, the one person who can misplay with Kozmo even harder than Woodhouse!

Game 2 I open all 3 Kozmotowns and draw jackshit for a few turns which was beginning to annoy me.  Allen and Woodhouse open legit bonkers in every game I've had against them but I draw fucking aids?  Fuck off.

Anyway I eventually start seeing Tincans after taking a few hits and establish big ships backed by Mojos which is gg vs any rogue deck as Ryan has pointed out repeatedly.

Round 2 - vs Domain Monarchs (2-1)

He wins the dieroll, goes first, summons Erebus and drops Vanity's Fiend + March to my hand of Kozmotown, Pilot + Ships with Twin Tisters so I scoop it up without revealing what I'm playing and side appropriately.  Turns out he's playing a different (bad) build that maxes out on both fiends, Pot of Duality and as you could tell March so I bring in Restricts and hand traps.  Don't see either in Game 2 but I go off hard and kill him in a couple turns so it was irrelevant.  Game 3 on the other hand was aids as he dropped a Chaos Hunter that I couldn't clear for the life of me for several turns and had to sit behind a Wickedwitch backed by Mask of Restrict.  Thankfully he didn't side in any backrow hate so he couldn't clear the Mask at all while I finally drew into a Tincan and managed to put a Dark Destroyer in the graveyard and Call it back to out his Hunter.  He summons another one but since my card peen is bigger I beat him down with it and s-l-o-w-l-y win the game because Prime Monarch makes it difficult to get hits in when you only run 5 bigships that can beat it over.

Round 3 - vs DMoC Turbo (2-1)

So in a move that blindsided me Ryan opted to build something he saw off of Aznpersuasion's channel (who I find to be a reputable yugituber btw) as the concept of it looked neat.  That being said as he'll obviously go into (in possibly great detail) on his blog rogue vs Kozmo is an abysmal matchup because of how badly designed the bigships are.  I won't go so far as to say the matchup was one sided though as he does have the advantage of my inexperience with the deck, my tendency to brick when playing good decks and our matches usually drag out long enough that he has a chance at winning if I wind up being the first of us to make a glaring misplay that the other can capitalize on.  As such our match eventually goes into time as Game 1 I open complete aids where I have to yolo Allure and I get rewarded, but my hand is still poop and I have to mulligan...into an equally bad hand.  I'm talking summon Farmgirl set backrow pass bad.  He promptly kicks my ass.

Game 2 is a bit hazy as I know I flip up Mask of Restrict though I'm not sure how much of an effect it had.  I know I eventually win it which gives him the chance to go first game 3 and he goes off hard.  He creates an incredibly powerful board that I spend most of the game trying to fight through thanks to Prime Monarch allowing him to survive what would be normally gameshot turns.  I eventually kill him after drawing into Soartroopers while having another one in the grave with Farmgirl so I'm able do rank 3 shenanigans.

Top 8 - vs DMoC Turbo (2-0)

This match on the other hand was straight up BS on my part as I inadvertantly channeled my inner Armando and sacked the shit out of Ryan off of my mulligan and establish a Dark Destroyer backed by traps he can't clear.  Game 2 he opens poorly and is never able to get Prime Monarch in the grave so I kill him in a few turns.

After this I contemplate dropping and heading to BK with the others as I was getting hungry and my headache was becoming harder to deal with.  Had I been paired up with any of our Monarch players in top cut I would have done it.  Instead I was paired up with Derrick's D/D/Ds.

Top 4 - vs D/D/D (0-2)

This match I straight up punted.  Between several misplays and straight up brainfarting I took 2 games I had no business losing and I wind up getting utterly shitstomped.  My tilt was pretty real by the end of it so I was only too glad to be done with the day and so I was.

-Flipping Mask of Restrict on Monarchs.  Not so fun when you can't play Yu-Gi-Oh!, isn't it?
-Shoutouts to Evan for coming in after 1:30.

-Kozmo are bullshit.  I honestly did not enjoy playing the deck as much as I thought I would.  Imo Magicians and BA are more of my thing.  Unfortunately post SHIV Kozmo are so good that if I want to get my invite I'm pretty much required to play the deck.
-Proving that you CAN misplay with a deck that is extremely simple to pilot, though I won't deny that it's play ceiling is definitely higher than that of Qlis and Tellarknights.  It's just that unfortunately the best way to play the deck is Tincan set backrow and hope it gets you there.
-The level of awful my headache was by the end of the day.  I'm JUST over it as of now.

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