Sunday 10 April 2016

YGO Locals Report - Fiery Finish

Whoa man another YGO Locals report.  It's almost like as if I'm getting back into the game.  I sort of am.  The issues I mentioned a few reports ago are still present but the banlist somewhat addresses it in that the deck that tries to make the unbreakable board and kill you the next is gone and as such everything else in the format will no longer have to build themselves to beat DracoPals.  I'm curious to see where this goes.

Anywho I really wanted to play some form of Burning Abyss today as for some reason my interest had been piqued in the last couple of weeks.  Probably because the deck is complicated to play compared to the other options I had on the table.  That and Ryan had literally everything I needed to borrow in order to build Big Monster BA which imo is the best variant going forward.

My reasoning is that most decks are aiming to blind first which Big BA is fine with.  You can build your deck to go second and break through it or if you're forced to go first make Beatrice with a Maxx "C" and pass.  Beatrice + Maxx "C" is strong by the way.  I also favour the pure BA over PK Fire due to its greater consistency as the latter deck runs more cards that can wind up dead in your hand which I'm not a fan of.  Lastly the deck doesn't need Solemn Strikes to compete which is fine by me.

So with my deck hastily built and almost no experience playing it outside of 3 DevPro games where my opponents were all bad I was in for an adventure;

Round 1 - vs Synchrons (2-0)

Some baddie who plays Main Character decks.  Not much to see here.  Granted he did serve as a chance to practice my play routes but lets be real here.  Yugi/Jaden/Yusei/Yuma decks are fucking terrible.  Yuya gets a pass due to Performapals and Magicians not sucking atm.  Anyway I fucko his board with Beatrice and when he tried to combo under Maxx "C" I decided to E-Con his Hyper Librarian so that I'd get 2 Draws off per synchro.  He promptly stopped after summoning Jet Warrior and bouncing it.  Then I killed him.  The other game Downerd Magician's piercing gets in there.

Round 2 - Monarchs (0-2)

Game 1 he has Stormforth into Majesty's Fiend and I do not have an out so I scoop.  Game 2 I'm pretty sure I straight up punted as I didn't realize Pilgrim Dante's discard triggers if I ram it into my opponent's monster and I probably could have won the game off it as he had only 1 card in hand and I had been doing a fine job of running him out of resources.  Unfortunately he unbricks and kills me.

Round 3 - Magicians (2-0)

Did I ever mention how this asshole that nobody likes was my first opponent in this game when I started in 2010?  How the hell do you stay a scrub after 6 years of playing!?

That aside I just destroy him.  Game 1 I got in there with 3 Dante pokes for 7500, made Beatrice then on his Standby dumped Barbar to burn him for game.  Game 2 he tries to Wavering Eyes after using Pendulum Call and passes with an open board.  Unfortunately I'm 1400 short of killing him but I've got Twin Twisters to break his scales and he dies.

Top 8 - vs Kozmo (2-0)

"How in the hell does this deck beat Kozmo?" I asked myself when building this deck.  Honestly I still don't know but somehow I managed to beat Allen game 1 despite him opening strongly.  Granted I was able to set up Dante/Cir shenanigans while he never saw Kozmotown game 1 and only resolved 1 Mojo so I was able to drag out the game enough that I could eventually Raigeki his board and kill him.  Game 2 I resolve System Down after forcing out a Warning and a Strike and beat him to Barbar range which he realized as I had one in graveyard, 2 Dante on the board and a Libic as a material.

Top 4 - vs Kozmo (2-0)

And then we have the idiot who runs Mistake in Tincan turbo here.  On the plus side he doesn't own Strikes and/or many Mojos so his backrows were things I could work around while I also opened with Maxx "C" to his E-Tele which is always nice.  Game 1 was a long, dragged out affair as I couldn't fight through his damned monsters while he didn't out my Utopic Future for whatever reason.  I mean I guess if you don't like winning you can not try to search Kozmotown, Kozmojo and Goodwitch with the Tincan that I couldn't beat over for 4 turns.  In the end he pays himself down to Barbar range so I dump one and burn him for game.  Game 2 I have the Maxx "C" again and I break his board by making him Kozmojo his ship to out my guy, then I get rid of his Wickedwitch with a Kaiju and clear his board.  He allures and loses his hand and I draw System Down so he's done.

Finals - vs Dracopals (0-2)

Being on the other side of this deck I can definitely see why people complain about Pendulums.  It really is difficult to grind out a win vs the deck unless you can break their scales which I sadly don't do either game.  I can also see why Face-Off is getting the hit here too as the card is literally bullshit incarnate at this point and Wavering Eyes has become a get out of jail card for correcting mismatched scale hands.

So yeah Ryan kind of savages me here as I expected.  I pretty much needed to open the literal nuts to out a typical Dracopal board with this deck given my experience level with it and that didn't happen in both games.  Also in Game 2 I found out I was running 4 Sea Kaiju so oops I'm immediately done.

After that we went to Rock Creek which I'm immediately regretting.  Oh god.

-Eyyy I played
-Eyyy I got into finals
-Eyyy I savaged Kody
-Eyyy I beat not one but two Kozmo decks with a deck that in theory can't win Game 1.
-Eyyy I E-Conned a Librarian while having Maxx "C" in play

-FUCK my mills were bad at times.  Like milling 2 Cirs or milling a Scarm when I had one in hand to use for summoning Beatrice
-FUCK Misplays.  Oh I know I made them
-FUCK Monarchs

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