Saturday 16 April 2016

CFV Locals Report - Bound For Glory

Man it's getting harder to come up with entertaining introductions, compelling matches or even good finishes these days.
So that means the title of this report is more than appropriate.

Anywho I had a chance to play at locals and decided to do so while also hoping to grab some millennium packs which I did but pulled jank.  Also pulled jank from Hi Speed Riders (Terrortop fishing FAIL) and moved some stuff before the tournament began and my choice ended up being G-Narukami as I had forgotten to bring my dice so Neo Nectar wasn't an option and Vanquisher.dek is one of 3 Narukami variants that I haven't played in a tournament yet (the other two are Nobles and Dungaree) so I decided to pilot that.  Turns out I was rewarded as nobody played Sanc Guard or Link Joker so we were all allowed to have fun for once.

Round 1 - vs Raizer (2-0)

He doesn't see Cat Butler in either game.  That's literally the only way this deck can win.  It also helps that I landed a few Chatura hits and got him to 7+ cards bound going into my Voltage turns and either killed him or ran him out of hand.

Round 2 - vs Diablo/Darkspray (2-1)

Game 1 I have to G-Assist for my Grade 3 Ride but hit enough draw support to get out of it and eventually Voltage him while he's at 5 cards bound to kill him.  Game 2 I get a giant Voltage play that he doesn't have enough cards to guard with and takes all 3 hits like a champ...and 6th damage heals out of it and proceeds to crit me the next turn.

3 weeks now.  3 weeks in a row that I've legit killed someone but a 6th damage heal saves them the game and I get killed on the following turn.  WHY.

That said he draws aids Game 3 and I establish my board of multiple Chain Bolts with Chatura/Voltage Horn/Rock Climb so his bind zone is pretty large by the time I'm able to Voltage him and flip a crit for good measure.

Round 3 - vs Vortimer/Diablo (0-2)

Playing against this guy is very frustrating as he will often say he never gets lucky, complain about trigger wars never going his way but proceeds to trigger sack me all the time.  Ofc this also happens to be the match where my deck decided to do it's best Monarch impression and I draw aids in both games while he's able to rush, play the grade 2 game while I can't and in the case of Game 2 hits a trigger every turn.  The fuck am I supposed to do against this level of bullshit when in all of my attacking turns he hits either a Heal that goes off or a draw trigger and thus going into my Grade 3 turn I've got 2 cards in hand to his 10?  After him checking the 4th draw trigger I literally picked up my cards and walked away because I was not having anymore of this shit.  Playing it out would have only made me more frustrated and potentially super salt.

So that was it.  I wound up finishing 2nd overall and the Vanquisher deck isn't THAT bad in play now that I've had time to think on it.  In fact I'm gonna go so far as to say Vanquisher has tremendous potential depending on what it's third set of support does as Voltage is a very scary card and if Bushi gives Narukami more ways to bind your opponent's cards by your second stride then it could end up being as potent as Diablo or at the very least Bloom.dek.  It's obviously got its failings in that as a G-Deck you lose to rush/gradelocking and as a Dragon Empire deck it doesn't generate advantage which in G-Era is a huge problem.  Taking cards away from the opponent is as Jordan said archaic as fuck as Kagero/Narukami/Nubatama aim to spend 1-2 CB to remove 1-2 cards a turn...but all of the best decks generate +5s for 1-2 CB so what the fuck life even?

Brawlers are the one exception to this as Turbo can wipe a board for CB1/SB1 which as ridiculous as this may sound is actually the perfect cost.  Given the progression of this game's power creep and how easy it is for Paladins to fill the board up off of next to nothing Turbo's power is just strong enough to counterbalance it.  Oh no the X killed a column and another front row!  Well I guess I could call my Violinist who calls Benon who calls Richard and get a draw and render what you did to be pointless.  Oh no Big Bang Turbo killed my board!  ...shit that's actually not good.  Now I have to actually throw down my hand to continue.

It's really hard for me to put what I want to say into words but basically if your deck's focus is on field control and you aren't able to consistently kill 3 or more units for cheap then your deck is awful.  This is why The X, Blademaster, Perdition, Vanquisher, Eradicator and Kaiser all suck in the format and will be joined by Dragonic Overlord the Legend.

-Playing Narukami is always a good time for me
-50000+ RG Lanes were a thing today
-Picked up a 4th Big Bang Turbo and some trade fodder

-The bricks were too real round 3.
-My pack pulls were atrocious

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