This one should be short as we had a smaller turnout today due to a few of our players being out of town for a Pokemon Tournament, because that game looks like it's becoming good again. That said we all more or less decided to say "fuck it" with our deck choices and such I decided to bust out my recently acquired (thanks Norden), but still untested and in the works Kagero deck as opposed to my wombo combo Gear Chronicle deck. Admittedly it was a bit ballsy for me to play the deck with only 1 Denial Griffin, 1 Blademaster Taiten and no flame dragon heal triggers but I was eager to put my theories about the build I made into practice so I went it with it.
Round 1 - vs Revengers (2-0)
Well at least I got to get a match with Derrick out of the way. If I wound up losing to variance I'd have the rest of the tourney to get over it and win the rematch in top cut. Turns out that didn't happen as he straight bricked in both games which is uncharacteristic of Shadow Paladins but hey it happens. Didn't help that I sniped Judgebau at every opportunity. It IS a mighty need indeed. Anyway I roll him without a whole lot of fanfare in the games, though in G2 he does get to do a few stride plays, but I limit his options with Bellog. That feeling when your opponent wants to Aurageyser but you kill one of his only two rearguards.
Round 2 - vs Nubatama (2-1)
The first game was straight BS. The guy gradestalls me and gets rewarded for it by flipping crits early so I'm down 4 damage to 2-3 for a fair bit of the game and I can't climb back into it, ultimately dying because of the GR that limits my hand to 4 cards plus Shiranui's discard effect on top of the amber clone sniping my Heal out of hand so I can't G-Guard and PG his attacks. Game 2 he tries this shit again but this time around I'm on the Great who has a non Legion retire skill and I see Burnouts and Neoflames so between them and always attacking his RGs before anything else he's unable to pressure me while on 2. After he finally rides to 3 and makes his play I come to the realization that his deck burns alot of counterblasts to operate and decide to play the CB management game while on a Legion'd Great as he kept leaving rearguards for me to swing at and it worked as he realized that after Guarding my VG attack on his VG that I wouldn't swing with my RG to give him anything to work with and eventually no guarded DOGE a few turns later. I don't kill him but he's still limited on options and dies to a Stride. Game 3 he goes first and skips trying to gradestall as he finally realized doing so against a removal deck is a terrible idea and the game pans out like you'd expect when Nubatama are forced to play fair, favourable for me. I blow up his stuff while still managing his CB so that has no more than one to use on his Stride turn and he eventually dies when my Legend checks 4 Draws and a crit on the GB2 turn, with Nahalem and Spherical Lord on RG.
Round 3 - vs Ancient Dragons (2-0)
He doesn't do much of anything other than stride a big guy since I kept killing off his RGs and kept him at 3 damage until I saw fit to go for gameshot. He subtly calls me out for being serious while he's using a fun deck.
Do you want me to bust out Narukami? Cuz I'll show you how serious I can be when I'm punching the shit out of your terrible deck.
After that top cut was announced, though it'd only be a top 2 due to the turnout.
Finals - vs Revengers (2-1)
Game 1 I have a weak hand due to G-Assist and Derrick tends to rush with this deck so I can't defend or punish him for slapping his hand on the board. In addition I check no defensive triggers (except on the last attack of the turn) so I'm down 4 to 1-2 I don't remember. I know I lose this one. Game 2 on the other hand is a sound trouncing as I completely dismantle his PBA turn with Defeat Flare and another turn with Denial Griffin which earned a salty remark of "that deck only wins because of its G-Guards." Funny as its coming from the player who plays decks that literally wins off of lucksacking. Game 3 is a bit more fair as I can't exactly Taiten him multiple times so I'm forced to close the damage gap through Nouvelle and the Legend. I do manage to take a PBD turn without dying and Defeat Flare his PBA turn which pretty much kills his momentum as I'm far too ahead in advantage for him and he doesn't have the cards needed to block an Ace turn with Nehalems.
So I win the tournament, pull jank from my packs (though I pulled the Megacolony GR from my box) and move my Luquiers (finally) before calling it a day. But not before I rip into how boring Enzo and Cas' promos are to Nord.