Saturday 6 August 2016

CFV Locals Report - Dark Prison

"Black Hole Cluster, fire."

At the risk of sounding full of shit I'd like to think we're at the point that I don't appear at locals often, but when I do it's epic.  Case in point I made my Grand(zon) return to Tramps for the legit first time since May and for the most part I didn't miss a beat.  It was like I never left.  It...also kind of helps that I had been keeping a close eye on the game during my downtime and watching some matches featuring the decks I own/relevant decks.  Last week's ARG was pretty good for getting an idea of how to play Gear Chronicle against Chaos which given our meta was good to know.

Round 1 - vs Kagero (Win)

His deck looked like a Legend Deck with a couple pulls from Set 7 thrown in.  Said pulls happened to be a pair of Taitens which I had to watch out for, but basically he didn't own Denial Griffins or Defeat Flares and without those Kagero's a bad deck, so I rolled him with Time Leap comboes and finished him off with Nextage in both games.

Round 2 - Bye

Round 3 - Chaos (Win)

Wasn't looking forward to this one given who I was up against.  Then again if I may be honest all of our Chaos players are notoriously sacky so regardless of which Link Joker player I faced I would have to deal with being cheesed out of wins by 12 crit.dek.

Anywho I brick the first two games of this match and don't see a Grade 3 for several turns.  I manage by fielding a full board and going ham on him and I'm rewarded as he wasn't running Sebreeze so the worst that could be done was Chaos Breaker followed by some lockers.  He ends up doing just that and I eventually lose due to a combination of staying on 2 longer than I should have (did not want to G-Assist off any of the cards in my hand) and getting killed by triggers.  Game 2 I do the same thing except he doesn't ride Chaos and has no Photons/etc when they were needed, so I push him with a full board and eventually G-Assist and get my deck rolling and beat him.  I know I keep mentioning the full board term alot here but it's a good way to deal with Chaos as Universe's first skill can't be used when you have occupied RG zones which makes their first stride play something terrible in the situation like Amnesty Messiah.  Game 3 he doesn't flip triggers on a turn he needed to and I overtake him with Time Leaps.

Top pairings are announced and I'm in and I have to face Shadow Paladins.  That's a fun matchup said no one ever.

Yeah I know kettle calling the pot black as I'm playing Clock Bois here.

Top 4 - vs Diablo (Win)

He was expecting a mirror.  No sir, I'm playing a deck that's even more cancerous!  I say that but in actuality our decks kind of ran terribly in both games of this match.  He ends up misriding Game 1 and I have the Sebreeze for it with Tick Tock/Melem/History Maker so things spiral out of control pretty quickly while in Game 2 he has to continually -1 stride so while he's able to get cards to use his Stride skills, he's not able to put much pressure on me.  On my end I have no CB for a few turns so I'm forced to Time Leap and pressure with Chronojet for a few turns.  I eventually win through a Nextage turn followed by a Phoenix turn, none of which yielded me any triggers during my checks by the way.

The other top 4 match took about a half hour to finish which during that time Nord and I went to get food.  By the time we came back it was decided to just end the tournament there with Jordan and I tied for first.  Turns out it would have been us playing if we had a finals but with Tramps set to close in 15 minutes and both of us being meticulous players there was just simply no time.  A shame as it would have been the best players in the city playing the best aggro deck (Time Leap) vs the best control deck (Hand Trap Kagero) of the format.  I ended up winning a Morrigan playmat from UFS and holy shit it looks nice.  I'm not one for waifu type shit with my mats/deckboxes/sleeves but this mat I may make an exception for.

Also I bought two boxes of TDIL and pulled jank.  I died.

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