Monday 1 August 2016

Quick Blog and Deck Updates

Goodness it's been a while since I posted anything on here.  What the hell happened!?

TL:DR I haven't had a chance to go to locals for a long ass time because I had to pack/move/unpack on the weekends I've been off, of which I didn't have very many.  In addition to that I've been on a huge JRPG kick since May thanks to deciding to finish Trails in the Sky which had a tear jerker/cliffhanger ending that guaranteed I'd play and complete the sequel whenever I had a chance.  Upon beating THAT I decided to give the most recent English game in the series, Trails of Cold Steel a try a couple weeks ago and suddenly I find myself at 50 hours in game time and only halfway done as of this post.  By the time I finish that Phoenix Wright 6 should be out so it's looking like the vidya will be occupying a fair amount of my free time for the foreseeable future.

So yeah the hobby that I ended up dropping in favour of card games because they weren't as enjoyable to play has more or less become the hobby I play OVER card games because I find them more enjoyable at this time.  Go figure.

But fret not as I don't plan on quitting card games just yet as I still happen to be finding Vanguard quite enjoyable (and arguably the game has never been better than it is now) and while Yu-Gi-Oh! is in what I consider to be a format just as shitty as March 2012 there IS a banlist coming around the corner that HAS to nuke the current Tier 1 decks in order for the game to stop being stagnant and we have new tins coming which will likely have reprints of the last sets of chase cards (Solemn Strike) which I didn't pick up because of budgetary reasons.  These tins coming out are my reward for not putting myself into the red/selling off everything I owned/using tuition money for cards and being patient and I'm actually proud of being patient here.  As far as Konami taking the hammer to the meta it even makes sense from a business standpoint to kill PK Fire, Monarch, Kozmo and Pendulum in order for the new string of decks to compete in the format because what the fuck can ABCs do against a Dark Destroyer?  Japan's best decks can't do jack shit here and they know it.  We sure as hell do.

So that's where I'm at in regards to card games at this time.  In addition to that product spoilers have also influenced what I'll be devoting my time and effort to building which I'm going to list here;


-Narukami: They've been confirmed for Set 9 which is good and bad.  It's good because you all know I love this clan but it's bad because this will be the first set of a new block and as we've seen in the past the clans supported in the beginning of a block tend to have underwhelming support due to Bushiroad "testing the waters" with their goal of that season.  Clans supported in later sets tend to get better support due to Bushiroad having figured out how they want to do things (see Narukami, Pale Moon and OTT in Set 5 and compare them to Kagero, Gold Paladin and Dimension Police in Set 7).  Regardless I'll be investing this set both for my beloved Thunder Dragons and I hope to god they can make Thunderstrike good.  And for the love of god no more Erad Support.

-Gear Chronicle: A Trial Deck, a Clan Booster AND Set 9 Support.  Normally my wallet would be crying but two of those 3 products should be cheap as hell.  Only issues will be the RRRs from the Clan Booster and what comes out of Set 9.  At worst I'll just have to pass on Chronofang and just pick up the cards needed to keep Chronojet/Time Leap competitive.

-Neo Nectar: They're in Set 8 and by the looks of it this will be it for the foreseeable future if it's true Tokoha will be put on a bus next season.  Arboros Dragon support looks questonable considering Ahsha's current cardpool is better, but I'm certain Bloom will benefit regardless.  I'm on the fence though of dropping this deck though because I now have...

-Megacolony: I picked up Matt's Machining Deck which gets jack all from the Technical Booster, but I think Darkface or Giraffa may end up being the better decks in the long run.  Regardless the clan is cheap to build outside of G3 Darkfaces who are about 15 CAD so I might just bite the bullet and invest more into bugs and either keep them around as a hard control deck (Narukami and Gear Chronicle are what you'd classify as aggro control) or sell off Machining.dek, Darkface.dek and Giraffa.dek for about 80-100+ each if they become really hype.

-Granblue: Seven Seas shouldn't take too much to update after Set 8 as the deck as a whole is pretty solid as far as the main goes and Storm Calling Pirate King, Gash is a welcome addition to a sparse G-Zone.  Nightrose on the other hand will be more expensive on the grounds of being a Waifu and likely getting the bulk of the foil support.  After that we wait until next spring for the Idol Booster which will release support that'll finally put Nightrose over the edge while Pale Moon will continue to suck.


-Blue-Eyes: All but finished.  I just have to pick up a playset of Pot of Desires and once the tins are out Solemn Strikes.

-Yang Zing: Apparently this has become one of the decks that I'm associated with according to Ryan. I'm cool with that and wouldn't you know these guys are going to become better over the rest of the year.  Metalfoes will be a welcome addition to the deck (turning into Yang Zinc) though I'm gonna have to experiment with engines to speed it up.  Ny3 (who aspiring Yang Zing players should check out as he's kind of really good with the deck and by that I mean he invented if not popularized the Zefra YZ variant) has calculated the probability of opening with a combo play to be about 60% of the time going first which sounds impressive at first, but then you realize most of the best decks usually have higher percent rates.  Then we have INOV which gives us Denglong and the 9 Paths to make the deck better.

-ABC: Yeah I'm hopping on this.  I already have Galaxy Soldiers from the Photon Deck and I have a soft spot for Machine beats type decks.  Just need to pick up 1 or 2 more Transmodify.

-Darklords: Why do I have a weakness for the big dumb monster decks?  Hopeless Dragon, Chaos Dragon, Agents, Dragon Lords and now these guys.  I've played with them for a couple weeks on DevPro and each bit of new support they get steadily improves the deck.  It's still not enough to make them as good as ABCs will be as they lack some key pieces (namely a spell that can dump any Darklord card from the deck to the graveyard) but I'll me damned if I don't admit they're fun to play with.

And that's all.  I plan on writing a post or making a video detailing what I want to see for Narukami out of Set 9 as I feel like alot of work needs to be done to bring them up to speed with the format of Vanguard.  Until then I'm gonna go grab my Vita now that it's finished charging and go grind some Septh.

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