Saturday 22 July 2017

G-BT12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 2

It's that time of the week again where I cover newly revealed cards from the new set and this week.  Hoo boy this week.  This week we got the good goods.  So good these goods are that I had to make a video on them AND I'm also making this post!  I could honestly take just these 3 cards and walk away but there's MORE to come what with a new PG and probably some commons and rares to bolster the deck.  Needless to say that BSR's knocked it out of the park with the Narukami foils this set.  A stark contrast to Set 9;

Hardrod Dracokid
Grade 0 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 5000
Shield 10000
AUTO: Forerunner
ACT (RC): [Rest this Unit] Your opponent chooses 1 card from their Drop Zone, and binds it face-up. If no card gets Bound, Counter Charge 1 card & choose 1 Unit with the Thunderstrike ability, it gains Power+3000 this turn.
ACT (RC) Thunderstrike 4: [CB1 & Place this Unit into the Soul] Choose 1 of your Units, during that turn, it gains Power+3000, then your opponent chooses 1 of their Rear-guards, Retires it, and Binds it face-up.

It's gonna be hard to not flat out repeat everything I said in the video so instead I'll just add some additional things that have come up since as I've taken the time to make proxies of these new cards and have been goldfishing and testing against other decks I own (notably Nightrose).  One is that this guy is as good as I imagined and I do want to play a second.  He's for all intents and purposes a Rockclimb Dragoon that isn't locked to GB1 when you consider his 2nd skill which aside from the Pale Moon or Granblue Matchup will be live on your stride turns.  That and establishing 2 of these can lead to some really silly situations where you get to drop zone bind and countercharge.  Also these go into soul which is going to become very difficult to manage when you consider how many of our units use it now.  Run this in anything that isn't Sweep Command as when combined with VBUSTER you can pheasably get Kaiser, Eradicators and Brawlers to end their first stride turn at Thunderstrike 5.

Dragonic Vanquisher “Sparking”
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukamoi – Thunder Dragon
Power 11000
AUTO (VC) Thunderstrike 4: When your Ride Phase begins, Counter Charge 1 or Soul Charge 1, your oppponent chooses 1 card from their Drop Zone, and binds it face-up.
AUTO (VC): [CB1] When you Stride this card with a G Unit, you can pay the cost. If you do, your opponent chooses 1 card from their Drop Zone, and Binds it face-up. And if Stride with a G Unit with the Thunderstrike ability, your opponent chooses 1 of their Rear-guards, Retires it, and binds it face-up.

I keep Soul Charging triggers way too often off this guy.

That aside this has definitely become my preferred ride.  I was concerned that not having OG Vanquisher's GB2 would be an issue vs multi attack decks but Granblue and ZTB comes at you with power lanes that the +3k wouldn't matter and you still have the option of Chain Bolt Dragoon giving out +2-4k buffs against other decks anyway so in the end this guy is defacto best Vanquisher as you NEED to get those rapid binds going.  I'm still going to run OG Vanquisher but I'm not sure about how many.  Probably 1-2?  Depends if we get a Wyvern Strike, Jargo clone or not.

Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Vanquisher “VBUSTER”
Grade 4 / G Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 15000+
ACT (VC) 1/Turn: [SB1 & Choose 1 card from your G Zone with the same name as this card, and flip it face-up] Your opponent chooses 1 card from their Drop Zone and Rear-guard respectively, and Binds them face-up. If you have more Rear-guards than your opponent, choose up to 3 of your Units, during that turn, they gain Power+3000.
CONT (VC) GB3 Thunderstrike 7: All of your front row Units gain Power+5000, and this Unit gains Critical+1/Drive+1.

It's so beautiful. ;_;

VBUSTER is the epitome of what I consider to be good design.  He has powerful skills but their costs are reasonable and is able to function against decks that would normally hard counter Narukami by leaving nothing on the board to kill.  As I alluded to Soul Management is a huge issue as you've got: Martial Arts Dragon, Rock Climb Dragoon, Dragon Dancer Fatine and now this guy in a deck that generally doesn't build up soul outside of what it rides and any Resephs/Djinns you put into the soul.  The result is if you get too soul blast happy with your Thunderstrike Rear Guards you'll find yourself running out of it by the time you stride this guy a 2nd time and thus miss out on more binds and the new trend that is Quad Drive (poor Cosmic Heroes.  You just keep getting dickpunched with each new set release).  That being said he accelerates your binding by 2 without using CB which is greatly appreciated in Vanquisher, can be splashed into any Narukami in order to turn on Thunderstrike easier and because he's a Vanquisher himself any flipped copies help VMAX punch more things.

Now is he perfect?  No.  I honestly would have liked him to bind cards from the drop equal to the number of face up Vanquisher in the G-Zone but I'm content with 3k buffs across the board and a follow up 5k to the front with an extra drive.  Could you imagine pulling off 4 checks AND resolving a Sweep Command restand in the same turn?  Decks can also somewhat play around this by cycling cards out of the drop zone if possible (Gear Chronicle and Neo Nectar come to mind) which will limit your ability to bind but these are small gripes that by no means tarnish what is otherwise a brilliantly designed card.  Flare Arms, Ziegenburg is a good card because he rewards you for playing Kagero the way it's supposed to be played (blowing shit up frequently and keeping tabs on your opponent's board) while also helping you get to your win con with his first skill.  VBUSTER is an amazing card because he enables your deck's win con against your worst match ups and is a win con himself.

Oh and you also first stride this guy 1000% of the time.  None of this phantom advantage pressure bullshit that Woudragon/fighteroflight/whateverthefuck these idiots with shit logic have.  You start with VBUSTER all the time now and if not then you'd better have a damn good reason.

Until next week.

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