Sunday 16 July 2017

YGO Locals Report - ...a YGO Locals Report

Hey it's one of these!  That only means one thing!  I in fact got to play Yu-Gi-Oh! and more importantly I actually wanted to play Yu-Gi-Oh! so I did.  It kind of helps that my order for an Invoked core that I made last month finally came in (which btw was some REALLY good timing on my part now that I've had a chance to see what the deck is valued at now) and I've been wanting to play that deck tenever, but didn't want to spend 70 dollars CAD on Invocations.

That being said what kind of Invoked deck I use is going to vary as what I played today gets screwed over by the Master Rule changes so I'll probably have to pair them up with True Dracos or Kaiju-Luna after this week.  However for today I decided to play the Invoked with Kaiju and Windwitch as I figured those two engines would pair up with the deck nicely and I could surprise some people due to I think nobody in the city having the deck at this time.

I arrived at Locals with some time to spare and chatted it up with my friends and saw that there were multiple Magician Decks (ugh) and at least one Dark Synchro deck (UGH) which made my deck choice somewhat valid?  I should have known that many people would be suicide bombing today with decks that get annihilated by Link Summoning (and good riddance too) and with 3 board wipes in the main board and 8 hand traps in my side I don't completely lose out?  I just have to hope to god to hit Ghost Ogre vs any Synchro Spam deck to kill the Hyper Librarian.

Round 1 - vs Synchrocentric (2-0)

He wins the dieroll and pops off to my 0 hand traps with Hyper Librarian allowing him to extend with godly topdecks which drags the game out longer and longer.  I see a Reasoning, Tuning, One For One AND Soul Charge get played as he combos and eventually fucks up due to being greedy with his setup.  I guess he wanted to have 3 negates but had to settle for only Quasar and Stardust Warrior while having his Omega snipe a Pot of Desires out of my hand and not the 2 Terraformings or 1 Magical Meltdown I also opened with.  It's fine though.  He didn't hit my Kaiju Slumber and since he left me with bevy of things to work with out of his Graveyard it was a simple matter of baiting out the Quasar (in this case he negated Invocation) and using Slumber to clear out his board.  Both of his Synchros couldn't float and I ended my turn with a Lightning Kaiju + Solemn Strike for his attempted Trishula which I followed up by banishing the Omega he synchro'd with for a Mechaba to lock up the duel.  Game 2 he goes first but has a much weaker hand that only lets him end with a Stardust Warrior and Herald of the Arc Light that I beat over with Mechaba and pass with a set Strike and an Alistar in hand.  He can't break my board and the game starts snowballing in my favour as I stick a Raidjin on the board and eventually take the match after a L-O-N-G amount of play.

Seriously fuck Quasar spam decks.  Quasar himself isn't even the biggest problem with that kind of strategy (lol Kaijus) but rather it's how fucking long these decks take to play their turns out.  Our first game was literally 20 minutes long and 15 of that was my opponent's first turn.

Round 2 - vs Magician Pendulum (2-0)

I end up winning the dieroll but my hand is definitely not good.  I'm forced to minus myself out the ass to make Raidjin as I drew a Wind Kaiju, 2 Field Spells and my Pot of Desires didn't get me any Windwitches or adequate protection.  Turns out however that this was JUUUUUST enough as because I summoned my Invoked in defense he wasn't able to suicide his Poison Magician into it to pop it and my in hand Alestar was able to keep it safe from any attack halfing shenanigans.  Come my turn I made another Raidjin and poke him with both + another Alestar (I drew one off another Desires) which he can't out, but still puts me in a bind my making Beelze which I can't out as my 2nd Desires banished my entire Kaiju engine so I have no choice but to try to draw into a means to get around it (which at this point is drawing into a Light to make Mechaba with so I can try to negate Beelze's Atk gain effect).  Come my turn I Invocation for a 3rd time which he chains Maxx "C" to and thanks to my 2 Raidjins I'm able to book and flip summon the first Alestar to search my Fusion spell a 2nd time and stick a third Raidjin + an Earth Fusion to his increasingly smaller pool of resources.  He eventually makes a Pendulum Summon play and makes Tornado Dragon with a Wisdom-Eye Magician while also leaving a Skullcrobat Joker on the board which costs him the game as I had 2 Alestars in hand and a means to make Mechaba and swing for game.  Game 2 he goes first and tries to do Magician things but I have Droll and Lock Bird to reduce him to summoning a Beelze and Pend. Summoning with a Pendulumgraph and passing.  My hand is enough that I can break that board due to Raigeki + Kaiju + Meltdown which I do play all of and follow up with a Raidjin and end with a Solemn Strike set.  He Pendulum Summons into it, including a Wisdom-Eye Magician and that opens the gates for me as I summon Mechaba the following turn and he scoops shortly after.  I somehow pull off the 2-0.

Round 3  vs Magician Z-ARC Pendulum (2-0)

And to cap off this weird chain of events a wild Cobb appeared!  Also playing Magicians!  However he's being a complete protagonist/antagonist and has Z-ARC as a power play.  Regardless I don't remember much of this match other than I decided to be greedy and attempt to Desires into a Windwitch play but end up banishing them and most of my Kaiju instead, so I decide to stop being dumb and make Mechaba and try to win the grind through my Twin Twister and Solemn Strike which I do.  It's not on the spot but the strike was a huge tempo swing as he had to rebuild his resources again while I'm sticking beaters on the field while never losing control of the game.  The 2nd Game he Pendulum Summons the Magician Xyz after I Ash Blossom his Pendulum Call and I'm able to get my ball rolling, but he topdecks another Pendulum Call and it's off to the races.  I answer with a topdecked Meltdown and Fusion Summon while having Twin Twisters to get his Sky Iris off the board and seal the game with another Solemn Strike.  However because I had obligations to attend to after this round I gave him the match and left.

So record wise he wins but as you can see here I was undefeated today.  Not bad for a test run with a new deck (though you can argue that what I played was considerably simple compared to the Synchro Spam, Magician and Lightsworn decks present) that I hope to figure out the optimal ratios for.

With that being said this post marks the last YGO entry on this blog under the current ruleset.  This week Link Strike and its rule changes come out and the impact will be felt immediately.  Decks will have to adjust and those that can't will die.  Simple as that.  The game will be slowed down for a bit, but once COTD comes out other decks will speed up, new decks will arise and new cancer will come with it.  However it's a level of bullshit that will be dramatically lesser compared to the path Yu-Gi-Oh! was heading towards and for that I am thankful this is happening.

See you guys in Link Format!

-Eyyyy I didn't scrub out on the first round.
-Techically went undefeated with a solid anti-meta rogue deck.

-Didn't like 6 Field Spells in the deck.  Gonna cut Terraforming to 2.
-If I continue to run Desires I'm gonna need one more Kaiju.  I kept banishing 2-3 of them off one.
-I need one or 2 Rank 4s in the Extra.  Castel/Tornado Dragon legit came up once.

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