Thursday 4 July 2019

V-BT05 Narukami Spoilers - Week 3

This is the big one.  Let's get right into it;

Land Shocker Dragon
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Imaginary Gift: Accel
Power 12000
ACT (VC) COST [Counter Blast 1 & Soul Blast 1], choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row, bind it, and if you did, two of your units in the column of that unit get Power+5000 until end of that turn.

This is arguably the worst Narukami card in the set and I'm fine with that when we look at what's in here.  Better him being a dud than our VR.  Being VG only kills it.

Brat Arrow Dragon
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 12000
CONT (RC) During your turn, if this is on an additional (RC), this unit gets Power+5000
CONT (RC) During the battle it attacks, your opponent cannot use AUTO abilities.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the closest thing that Vanguard has to an Ancient Gear/Armades effect?  Brat Arrow will probably see no play in standard but the fact that Bushiroad saw fit to make a card that turns off ALL of the opponent's Auto abilities is something to keep in the back of your mind for future card design.  Brat also may have some use for Premium format as he turns off most G-Guardian effects in addition to Perfect Guards and a myriad of other abilities.  He's also cheeky for turning off some of Bermuda Triangle's Melody effects when he attacks.

Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Imaginary Gift: Accel
Power 12000
CONT (VC) During your turn, this unit gets Power+5000/Critical+1 for each open (RC) in your opponent’s front row.
ACT (VC) COST [Counter Blast 1 & Discard a card from hand], bind all of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row. You may move all of your opponent’s back row rear-guards to (RC) in the same column.

Man I don't even know where to begin with GBD.  He's good.  Real good.  Not best VR in the set good (that arguably goes to Nubatama or Gold Paladin) but in the context of standard Narukami I can say that Gauntlet Buster Dragon will have an impact on how the deck plays going forward.  GBD fits in so well, keeps true to his original from and actually helps the deck with issues it had before while also turning matchups that were difficult around.  GBD is absolutely killer against opposing Accel Decks like Nova Grappler (which is currently a top deck) and can blow out decks that require a board setup like Bermuda Triangle because of the bind mechanic.  BT's one Grade 3 that gets back 3 from the drop to hand suddenly becomes useless if you just bind their Grade 3s off the field instead.  Admittedly the hand discard is an oof without Rising Phoenix but the fact that is isn't a 1/Turn means if need be you CAN clear their board out sans the VG booster and still have a 22k or more 3 crit attacker.

Bear in mind that Demolition Dragon from V-BT03 is an 11k booster when the opponent has no front row which means GBD will be swinging for 33k 3 crit at minimum against Force for free and will require them to PG or die from 3 damage onward.  GBD's removal effect also means that the opponent will have to think twice before committing to the board or else they'll lose nearly which case Detonix Drill Dragon swoops in with its near free restand because that's still a thing the opponent has to keep in the back of their mind (plus him existing means that you're no longer feeling sad for being paired up against the decks that made Detonix weak like Neo Nectar).  GBD also makes the deck really strong going 1st as the opponent could be dealing with a potential 22-33k 3crit swing against their Grade 2 and may very well die if they don't commit anything to the front.

Being an Eradicator name also turns on some of the cards from G-BT12 that were intended for use with the Descendant deck (Stride Fodder, Linchu) so in theory maybe some kind of GBD rush deck can come out of the woodwork with the intent of just crit sacking the opponent early and often before first stride?  Our stride game as a whole is ass but if the opponent is dead or nearly dead by then it may not matter?  GBD definitely punishes people who try to Grade 2 game you.

Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan
Grade 2 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 9000
Shield 5000
AUTO (RC) When your opponent’s rear-guard is bound during your turn, this unit and all of your “Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon” on (VC) and (RC) get Power+5000 until end of turn.
AUTO (RC) At the end of the battle it attacked a vanguard, if your opponent does not have rear-guards in the front row, COST [Put this unit into your soul] and draw a card.

Dragonic Neoflame is looking at this and going "Am I a joke to you?" because this is literally a better Neoflame.  Like Neoflame this guy gives your boss monster a 5k buff on VG and RC but unlike Neoflame Zuitan also gets big and he isn't a once per turn (and he also triggers of Dragonic Vanquisher VBUSTER which is...something).  We're looking at a potential 24-29k Accel attacker that after it swings can go into the soul to get you a draw which is fantastic as GBD and Cho-Ou will definitely warrant the inclusion of Helena into the deck now.  That is unless one of the cards in the Freedomduo dump next week is a better Countercharger and Soul Charger.


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