Tuesday 9 July 2019

V-BT05 Narukami Spoilers - Week 4

With this we're done as Freedomduo has done his dump of what's in the set for each clan.  So let's wrap this up;


Dragon Dancer, Eruisa

This is the on ride Draw 1 and Discard 1 PG that have been released with recent sets.  Won't see play in the Standard build and Premium Narukami has access to Summon Lightning Dancing Princess, Anastasia.


Turning Bash Dragon
[Auto](R): When it attacks if your opponent's VG is G3 or above [Cost SB1] Choose one of your opponent's front row rear guards and bind it.

Turning Bash Dragon can let you revive Rising Phoenix in the Battle Phase in Premium Format.  Finally we have something that allows us to perform chain attacks during a Dragonic Vanquisher "VOLTAGE" turn which...is a bit of a stretch considering how fast the format is but we've at least got something to work towards.  In theory since decks are going to be fighting for first stride Gauntlet Buster Dragon can come in, pop the front and swing face for 3 crits and 22k at minimum.  Afterwards you G-Guard into Voltage on the following turn and if you're able to get to Thunderstrike 3-4 by then maybe you can cheese your opponent with a series of +9-12k pokes.  I'm definitely more hopeful for the deck in the format now than I was yesterday.

Then there's the Standard applications of this guy.  He's again a way to trigger Rising Phoenix in BP alongside Detonix Drill Dragon and can be used before or after Drill depending on how many birds you have in the drop.  If you have two then you can swing with your Accel attcker (1), swing with Bash (2) and bind one to call Phoenix on the Accel Circle.  Phoenix swings at VG (3) then Drill swings at VG (4) and binds one to trigger your 2nd Phoenix in Drop zone on the Accel circle while also being able to restand.  Drill swings again (5) and finally Phoenix can swing with any trigger effects stacked on it (6) followed by any potential other RG swings.


Dragon Knight, Zubail
[Auto](R): When placed, bind one of your Rear Guards.
[Cont] (R): During your turn this unit gets +10k.

I'm sure at least one person out there has their tin hat on and is thinking that this guy is the signal that Dungaree is coming in Wave 3 (if that happens) since he nukes one of your own RGs but otherwise I don't think this guy is worth.  If he said other RG I'd consider it but it seems to be worded as such that if he's the only guy you call then he has to kill himself.  Purposely negging yourself for a 19k beater is just iffy.


Dragon Dancer, Iemi

Another part of Wave 2 support means many clans will be getting these 3k units with an inherent Crit value of 2.  These have seen no play and probably won't until Bushiroad screws up and prints one with a normal stat line.


Dragon Monk, Egan

Bushiroad also saw fit to give us another 9k Grade 1 that like Red River Dragoon will see no play.  Not when Demolition Dragon and others exist.


Bolt Capture Dragon
[Auto] (R): When placed, your opponent chooses a RG in the back row and moves it to an empty RC in the front row.

I think at this point that I've been spoiled by the likes of Cho-Ou, Gauntlet Buster Dragon and so on as a simple on place force the opponent to push a backrow unit to the front seems whelming.  This would have been good in V-BT03 but now we have better Grade 1s to use.


Hundred Thunder Djinn
[Cont] (R): During your turn if your opponent has 4 or more damage, this unit gets +10k.

A potential 17k booster is something to keep in the back of your mind even if his condition is more reliant on the opponent.  He might see play as a 1-2 of?


Varit Dracokid

I knew we were going to get another draw starter.  I was just expecting it to be Linchu.


Spark Edge Dracokid

Hey hey it's Spark Edge!  I remember using the OG version of this in Vermillion and Vanquisher until I needed triggers with effects.  At the very least this lets me yeet the Fur Hire reject out of my deck and play with a less cringy trigger lineup.  :)


Exorcist Mage, Lin Lin

Interesting.  They brought back the Stand that removed Restraint.  I don't know how much play Lin Lin will see as right now it's up in the air if the deck wants to play Fronts at all given that GBD will bait out PGs like no tomorrow so stacking crits on something else instead looks spicy.

That's it for the set.  Overall Narukami made out pretty well with it.  A thing I've noticed with this clan is unlike many others the cards in here are mostly streamlined towards one goal: binding to keep the front row clear and if need be move stuff around to clear up said row or to put things in line for your skills.  This is really good as how many times have we lamented on X clan getting the shaft in a set because Bushiroad decided to split it's support up into different deck types that didn't mix well together which led to them flopping in the format (looking at you Set 3 Nubatama).  Narukami to my knowledge hasn't had this happen yet and the majority of its cards work together towards the clan's end goal.  Good job Bushiroad.

Until next time.

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