Whose up for some spiteful remarks about Card Games and its player base? I am!
-Players who crap on someone because they aren't being "original and creative" and playing "the same skilless deck" that everyone else does. Take your fucking high horse and shove it.
-People who bitch about the lack of creativity and originality. News flash; creativity and originality are horseshit. Most Japanese based TCGs tend to be so restrictive in deck building its damn near impossible to go too outside the intended structure. Yu-Gi-Oh! being so archetype based and Cardfight Vanguard's Clan system are clear examples of this. Yet casual and hipster players routinely bitch about the lack of "diversity" in decklists.
-When we do get a diverse format people will complain about how there's too much randomness and that anything can win.
-When we have a 1-3 deck format people bitch about how it's all the same thing.
-Nobody fucking cares how different you are from the rest or how unique your deck is if what you're doing is jackshit.
-I also don't care how well your deck did at your locals. It's locals.
-Oh you beat "lots of meta decks" with your Rogue deck on DN? Taking that one with a huge grain of salt as you either got really lucky or what is most likely the case you were paired against bad players playing bad builds of good decks because you too are bad and are stuck in the bottom rankings of DN, where there is shit to the left and shit to the right.
-Adding in things to an established deck just so you aren't "like the rest" isn't going to make it better. You've actually made it worse because the cards you're running were already tested and discarded because they fucking suck. Anyone Mermail Abyssmander? Yeah exactly.
-Competitive players will play what's good, not what's fun, cute and lulzy. Fucking get over the fact that no self respecting pro is going to play your pet deck at a YCS.
-Complaining because you lost to an opponent using a good deck is a crutch.
-It's not innovation if it doesn't work.
-There is literally no satisfying YGO Hipsters. "God I hate how it's all the same archetype based decks running around! Why can't people come up with something unique!" *Clownblade is made* "God I hate how everyone is playing this Clownblade shit! Those cards aren't supposed to be used that way!"
-Oh and let's not forget the issue of people refusing to play decks except only when not many people are playing them to begin with. When Wind-Ups were first released? Hipsters loved them. When they became good and everyone played them? Hipsters hated them. When they got gutted by the banlist and power crept out? Hipsters loved them. Why should it fucking matter if a deck is seeing lots of play or not. Just play the damn thing.
-No, I'm NOT a bad player for running a good deck. I'm actually a good player because I'm playing something that requires me to know what the hell I'm doing in order to get the most out of it. You and your 60 card mash up on the other hand are bad and the fact you claim to be better than me because you aren't running a tier deck is laughable. This is especially so when the exchange happens when I'm playing something that's Tier 2 or 1.5 but happen to kick your ass because I have good deckbuilding sense.
-Not that this means much these days due to the lack of them but Staple Cards are Staples for good reason. They are really that damn good and every deck benefits from running them so stop fucking bitching when someone plays Upstart Goblin in combo decks or Chatura in every Narukami deck.
-People who hate meta because they think any tier deck is degenerate, but then play troll decks like Burn and Exodia piss me off to no end. That said it is oh so enjoyable to beat them and watch these assholes get mad because their attempt at being a dick failed.
I'm sure I'll follow up on this at some point. If any of these remarks offended you then get better.
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