Sunday, 24 May 2015

YGO Locals Report - Derdles Intensify

Well this weekend was silly, mostly.  Originally I wasn't going to be writing this on account of working a 9 day stretch.  However I pleaded with a co-worker to switch shifts so that I'd have this day off over a Wednesday that was going to do me no good anyway and she agreed so here I am.  Not only do I get to go to locals and pick up some things I wanted (Soaring Blossom Box, Force of Will and Pokemon Boosters) but I get to play in my first locals since the Winnipeg Regionals!  Following that just out of top cut finish I'm obviously going to make a statement that I'm no slouch by playing Nekroz and dominating the field, right?

Lol no.  I made this instead;

Yes you're seeing this right.  I built a Heraldic Beast Hero deck for the purpose of screwing around as I think this current format is ebola level stupid and just wanted to sit back and have fun.  That being said despite this being a mash up of decks I've been trying to build but lack cards for (Unicorns for Heralds, Blazeman for Heroes) I actually put a fair amount of thought and theory into this as is the norm with me.  What can I say?  Even when I'm doing something for the lulz my deckbuilding sense is something I will never ignore.  Basically the idea behind this deck is my main goal is to use the semi okay Rank 4 engine of Heraldic Beasts to make Ptolemaeus while Shadow Mist will enable access to the all powerful Darklaw to lock my opponent out of many plays.  It's exactly the same concept of the Volcanic Hero deck that topped Bochum last month and I've been dying to execute it since.  Well here's my chance.  How did it go?  Well...

Prior to the tournament I arrived to meet up with friends and catch up on things.  Turns out Woodhouse traded off the Legion Rare Yggdrasil + Norn that was part of the deck I sold him to which I was disappointed.  That quickly turned into ire when I found out he got rid of the LR pair for twenty bucks.  

 Chances are I may have misunderstood him and he traded it for twenty bucks plus other stuff, maybe not.  Maybe if Woodhouse could some god damned speak English instead of alfkdsfd;lsfkdsjf;dslkjdfl;dsfj then I'd be able to fucking understand him.  Anyway after MUCH card purchases and a desire to build a Fairy Tale deck in Force of Will the tournament began;

Round 1 - vs Madolche (2-0)

Game 1 I open with a dead Mask Change and a hand of Heraldic Beast Leo + Amph so I was able to get my Rank 4s rolling while he tried to go off with a Madolche push but made a critical misplay that ultimately cost him the game as I set up Ptolemaeus into Pleiades and keep his field open.  Game 2 I flipped Emptiness and he had no outs.

Round 2 - vs Piper Relinquished (1-2)

This match was literally a coinflip as the games were decided on him having BLS or not.  Games 1 and 3 he did and I had nothing to stop the damn thing.  Game 2 my deck did things and I ended up with Darklaw + Pleiades which was kek.

Round 3 - vs Scrublord.dek (2-0)

Pretty much.  I bricked Game 1 and had to deal with 2000 Vanilla + Fissure shit and got beaten down to 2000 LP before my deck started doing things and I smash him.  Game 2 I opened Planeswalker and steamroll him with it and Castel.

And that was it as my Round 2 loss kept me out of top cut, so I went and learned a bit more about FoW before we went to Robins where I had games of Vanguard with updated Royal Paladins (more Jewel Knight based) and Brawlers (Chatura too gud) before calling it a day.  

Overall my deck performed okay for what it was supposed to do.  Heraldics are not a bad deck with the addition of Amphbaena + Patriarch to the lineup, although they've been power crept like many things released before DUEA.  The addition of the Clown Blade engine will be a huge boost to what the deck can do while Heroes are sort of in the same boat.  Mixing both together proved interesting but I'd in no way take it to a Regionals and expect it to do well.  I'd get my ass beaten by the good decks and I know it.  My deck may be "creative" and "original" but it's gimmicky, has consistency issues and loses to floodgates and Shaddolls.  Yet I'm not going to be the kind of dickbag that bitches at everyone for playing those decks while having a holier than thou attitude and believing I'm the real winner for playing a mash up of random cards.  I'm way too not retarded to spout nonsense like that.

-Lulz were had.
-Cards were accquired

-Fuck BLS.  He's a bitch.

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