Saturday 30 January 2016

CFV Locals Report - Dem (Fists of) Feels tho

So today marked the release of Set 5 into the format and while the overall consensus is that it's pretty meh compared to previous sets there were still cards of decent value to take note of.  If you read my post earlier this month talking about the Narukami cards in here then you know how highly I think of the Brawler support so it was pretty obvious I was going to play them today (that and they're the easiest deck to update post Set 5 wheras Erads and Vanquisher need foils).  Let's do this;

Round 1 - vs Gear Chonicle (2-0)

I start off the day having to G-Assist at 1 and it felt awful.  However I'm able to claw my way back into the game thanks to a timely draw trigger and that my opponent never called RGs down so I stayed stuck on Grade 2 for a bit before assembling a hand that would let me start punching his board and so I did.  This followed by Conquest Dragon allowed me to win the first game while the second one was much the same.  I had to G-Assist (this time to 3) while also having to contend with him getting off Heal Triggers multiple turns in a row but I still manage to close the gap by keeping up a consistent rush that he has trouble dealing with.  Afterwards I start nuking his field and he can't handle my dank ass side memes and I win.

Round 2 - vs Gear Chronicle (2-0)

In the round previous Armando savaged the fuck out of Jordan with some massive help from the RNG gods which scared me considering how my round went.  Turns out it was for naught as the same gods decided to forsake him with misriding in both of our games while I hit my literal and figurative stride.  He called out a small board; I killed it.  He called out no board; I Donked him with Godquest.  Game 1 I won pretty easily while Game 2 got silly thanks to me checking 2 Draw Triggers during a Zorras turn so my hand was eternally bulk and able to deal with Nextage plays while I continued to do kill his stuff and swing with big sides.

Round 3 - vs Ripple (1-2)

Despite this being a very long and tense match between the two players who rely not on luck but what little playing ability is needed for Vanguard I really can't say much on this match.  Ripples like any Aqua Force deck like to rush and if I'm able to handle it and start killing his board then I win whereas if I can't handle the rush then I'm going to be in trouble.  This more or less happened here as Game 1 I had to G-Assist at 2 and despite my best efforts I couldn't close the gap and died while in Game 2 I got my ball rolling and killed him with a giant ass side column during a Turbo turn.  Game 3 I drew too many 3s and couldn't adequately defend his attacks while he dug himself out of bad start thanks to his one trigger and mounted a comeback with a play that allowed 3-4 attacks on his turn to my hand of PGG, G3, 10k and 5k shield.  Not having enough guard to block all of his attacks I had no choice but to risk the no guard and hoped that despite putting 6 crits back into his deck via seekmate that he wouldn't flip one.  He did and I was done.  Rip.

I finished second place with my only 2 losses being to my own deck bricking and variance so I wasn't too upset about it.  Moreso I made it pretty clear just how fucking scary my deck is now and it's going to be that thing when people see me bust it out much like Nubbits Revengers or Nord's X that they know they're gonna have to bring their A game to the table, cuz otherwise I'll kill you.

-Punched several people in the dick.
-Picked up just about everything from Set 5 that I needed.  All I'm missing are 4 of each Gear foil, 2 Vanquisher Crits, 1 Angercharge Dragon and 1 Finish Blow Dragon.  That's about 60 dollars and these are set release prices.  I'm pretty sure that whole lot will be under 50 in a week

-Pulling complete ass out of my box.  Then again that's par for the course for Set 5.

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