Sunday 3 January 2016

YGO Locals Report - Oh sure, NOW RNG Jesus likes me

Real talk; I wasn't going to be playing today as Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 is this week and I wanted to sit it out and watch them speed run Kirby 64 and Squeak Squad.  Turns out however their schedule this week is in the same time zone as me so said games would be played LATER today, specifically around the time of our top cut which meant I could actually throw a deck together that I wanted to try, not give any fucks about it vs the world and focus on going with m'gut and proceed to get knocked out in time for the Kirby runs.

Yeah that kinda didn't happen since I ended up playing a Dragon deck and as I should have known, when a Dragon deck is in my hands magical things happen.  In this case it was Chaos Dragons drawing solid to sacky most of the day.  Why them?  Aside from being the only dragon deck I had on me at the time Chaos happens to be not awful now that the Clowns are in the mix.  You'd be surprised just how much work Juggler, Hat Tricker and Trick Clown put in.  That and with the exception of Nord and Derrick nobody at locals really knew how the deck works and with the exception of Nord nobody knows that Gorz exists.  Gorz may be yet another victim to power creep but he's one of the better older cards that when you don't know he's there can swing the game around.

Round 1 - vs Odd-Eyes Magicians (2-1)

Game 1 he summons Kirin and two Apex Avian and I take too much damage and lose to a Wavering Eyes.  Game 2 I make Omega and drop Gorz on him and he's unable to deal with them followed by me clearing his board of threats and summoning Vanity's Fiend Game 3 which he can't out.

Round 2 - vs Lightsworn (2-0)

I know I end up using Ghost Ogre to kill stuff both games and beat his face in with a bunch of big monsters.  I know I"m not being really elaborate here but this is Chaos Dragons.  If I'm not summoning big monsters, swinging and hoping for the best then I'm not winning.

Round 3 - vs Fuck off (2-1)

I end up being paired against some new guy who seemed really friendly which was nice as I was enjoying this day so far.  Then he played Wave Motion Cannon, then I attacked into a Banisher of the Light and he summoned D.D. Survivor and I lost any and all respect for him.  Game 2 he plays Dimensional Fissure and Gravity Bind meaning I'm up against a Banish Burn Stall deck.

Between Royal Decree, Denko Sekka and MST he never, EVER got to Burn or Banish me for the rest of the match.  He would later go on to discuss degenerate, non interactive deck theory with our resident shitty players who also play his kind of deck, making it quite clear that he will be heading down the path of a scrublord who only plays non interactive decks.  If you're looking to have a fun time playing Yu-Gi-Oh everyone's enjoying themselves, you're not going to be doing it playing a faggot deck.

Top 8 - vs PePe (2-0)

I'm up against Matt and Game 1's a bit hazy other than I think he opens with a weak board and I drop Dark Armed, force out his Veilers and kill him with Utopia Beyond while he was at under 3k LP.  I know I Maxx "C" him while he's in a bad spot and I draw into multiple Damage Jugglers so he scoops it up knowing he can't kill me through them and Gorz while drawing 5-6.

Or was it the other way around?

Top 4 - vs Kozmo (2-1)

Game 1 I opened pretty poorly for this matchup as while I do have Gorz, I don't have Maxx "C" or Damage Juggler to his E - Tele + a Pilot Summon and end up losing in 2 turns.  Game 2 on the other hand I open optimally as I have Ghost Ogre to play around his attempt to Emptiness Chain pilot into Dark Destroyer so he can't helmet me out of the game while later on I drop drop Gorz on another Dark Destroyer and tribute summon Vanity's Fiend and lock him out of the game instead.  Game 3 he opened with all of his sided cards, but no spaceships for a few turns so while I'm able to play the game, all he can do is just not die.  Eventually I start summoning Chaos Monsters and M7 and kill him with a big ass board.

Finals - vs PePe Magicians (2-1)

Game 1 he opens with a Joker set one pass and I open double Charge of the Light Brigade, Maxx "C" and BLS in hand so I'm off to the races while in Game 2 he's able to answer my multiple Gorz.  All I needed was for the bugger to stick on the board into my turn so that I could search Hat Tricker and tribute summon Vanity's Fiend so that he would HAVE to make his Dragonpulse Magician live in order to win but that doesn't happen.  Game 3 I make him go first and he opens up with a combo that ends the board with Psi-Blocker calling Raiden, Pleiades, Feral Imps, Trick Clown and 2 Scales to my hand of 2 MST, Lightpulsar Dragon, Chaos Sorcerer,and I forget what else other than my hand being not very optimal for dealing with a full board of monsters after waiting like 5 minutes to see made.  I know there was a draw spell in there as I was hoping to draw into Dark Hole or Raigeki but I don't.  Instead I shit out almost my entire hand to clear his Seraphinite, Pleiades and Trick Clown and end with an M7, LPD and my own Trick Clown with two MST set.  Turns out those MST were clutch as when he tried to Wavering Eyes I flipped both of them and completely shut down his play and clearly made him mad given the look I got for playing "bad" cards like MST, especially vs PePe to which I'm rolling my eyes inwardly (so sorry I don't have Twin Twister yet).  After that he makes a Castel and spins M7, I make a Dweller so he can't use Damage Juggler on his turn which also makes him upset because "Dweller is shit" to which I'm again facepalming inwardly before finally capping off this match with a topdecked REDMD that I hard Tribute Summon and use to bring back Lightpulsar Dragon to put him out of reach.  Ryan gets salty and that's the tournament.  He eventually apologizes but not going to lie I was a bit put off by how this ended when the honest truth of the matter is;

I did not win this match solely because of sacking.  I won it because I made some good choices in deckbuilding that were good against not only the meta but also rogue that just so happen to catch Ryan off guard because while he was playing with a certain mindset and expecting me to mirror it, I didn't and he lost because of it.  Remember folks, between the two of us I've shown a few times now I'm much more open minded in regards to decks/card choices and in the instances where our philosophies have clashed...I've won more matches than lost.

-Dropping big fucking monsters like it's 2012
-The look on peoples faces when they attacked into Gorz
-The look on Shard's face when he had to read Lightpulsar Dragon and saw REDMD in graveyard
-Watching Shard attempt to make LPD miss timing by...using Wicked Witch's protection effect while attacking him.
-Pushing Rich Clarke's Shard's shit in
-Damage Jugglering a Mirror Conductor.
-Beating Kozmos
-Beating Pepe.  Twice.
-Winning locals with a deck I literally made with the intention of suiciding with so I could get knocked out early and watch AGDQ.  I should not bother trying more often.

-Made a few misplays in what I banished for Chaos fodder while forgetting about Instant Fusion and M7.
-Milling power cards
-Games where I couldn't summon LPD where awful
-Bricking.  Happened a few times.

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