Wednesday 19 September 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard Major Tournament Results - (Sept 15-16/2018)

This weekend was a busy one as we had events across both sides of the pond and in multiple formats.

BCS Mouveaux (Standard)

1st - RP
2nd - OTT 
3rd - Kagero
4th - TachiKaze

BCS Houston (Standard)
Top 4 Consisted of 2 OTT and 2 MC.  Placing not known

Top 8 - 4 OTT, 2 MC, 2 Kagero

BCS Houston (Premium)
1st - Luard
2nd - Ange 
3rd - OTT Gyze
4th - SB

Top 8: 2 DP, 1 MC, 1 NG, 1 SP, 1 BT, 1 OTT, 1 SB

Hoori VGCS (Standard - 48 players):
1st - OTT
2nd - OTT
3rd - OTT
4th - SP 

Clan Distribution: 
16 SP
12 OTT
9 Kagero
3 Pale Moon
2 Spikes
1 RP
1 Murakumo
1 GB
1 DP
1 AqF





Yokohama Ketai Off (Standard - 32 players): 
1st - OTT
2nd - OTT 
3rd - OTT 
4th - MC




The 4th Place MC Deck was never posted online

Niigata Grand Prix 2018 (Standard - 120 players): 
1st - OTT
2nd - SP 
3rd - SP 
4th - OTT

Clan Distribution:
Shadow Paladin 22%
Kagerō 15%
Pale Moon 13%
Oracle Think Tank 9%
Murakumo 8%
Dark Irregulars 6%
Spike Brothers 6%
Tachikaze 5%
Granblue 5%
Nova Grappler 4%
Royal Paladin 3%
Dimension Police 2%
Aqua Force 2%

Fuji Cup (Standard - 25 people): 
Winner - Spike Brothers 

Clan Distribution: 
6 Kagero
5 SP
3 RP
2 PM
2 Spikes
2 DI
1 Nova Grappler 
1 AqF
1 Murakumo
1 Granblue 
1 DP

1st Place

GP Akiba Qualifier (Premium - unknown player count):
Winner - OTT TomWater

GP Akiba Qualifier (Premium - 43 Players):
Winner - Luard

Credit to TeamAbsolution's Discord for providing the results.

Wow.  There we no Teams this weekend.  In any case now I'd say the format is starting to wind down.  OTT beats Shadow Paladin which beats OTT's bad matchups.  North America may deviate from this when AL4 drops here but I see the format being largely a mirror of this if these recent BCS Tournaments are any indication.  Oh and "OTT is not a problem guys.  This isn't Yu-Gi-Oh!"

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