Saturday 8 September 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 19 Review

This one was surprisingly enjoyable.  Maybe it's because it's focused on Tetsu who was one of the better characters of the original while also moving the plot along and answering some questions I had up to this point.  Our episode begins with Tetsu looking for Ren whose likely on his way back to Card Capital to annoy the piss out of Misaki when Asaka asks about if it's true that Kai is an undefeated fighter when she heard from Miwa that he beat the person who beat Kai.  This catches Tetsu's attention when one of the grunts from the card shops Aichi and co have been wrecking comes in to report just that.  Once word of Blaster Blade gets mentioned people go "wait what" since it's just as rare as Ren's Blaster Dark while Tetsu makes the deduction of where the group will be headed if they continue to Asteroid hunt.  We immediately cut to Aichi taking on the in universe Doctor O who is promptly bodied while Kyou laments that his PSY-Qualia didn't awaken while facing off against one of Asteroid's strongest fighters.  Que Tetsu's entering the shop looking for Aichi.

WEAKNESS IS A SIN.  Wait wrong season.

PSY-Qualia gets mentioned and Tetsu's on board with fighting Aichi to see if he has it while Kyou introduces him as the commander of Team Asteroid.  We learn that he's the one who came up with the idea of VF Gloves and Shop Raids while Aichi once again comments on how it seems like they're designed to let a fighter be more attuned to his VG which surprises Kamui (again) and impresses Tetsu as that's what he made them for.  However Aichi takes issue with Asteroid's idea of serious fights and demands that if he wins their fight that Asteroid will stop forcing players to wear the gloves and we're off to the races.

Hanoi did this better.

SOUL CHARGU occurs while we get a little more insight as to why everything's happening with the current plotline and it's basically summed up as: Ren's plothax powers became too OP that he can't find a challenge or motivation to fight.  Tetsu comes up with the VF gloves to try and make the fights stimulating but it doesn't work on Ren.  He decides to make all future Asteroid members wear the gloves and force card shop patrons to do the same in the hopes of someone eventually manifesting PSY-Qualia powers to challenge Ren.  That's it.  It doesn't surprise me given how Tetsu's character arcs have generally been about what he'll do for Ren's sake so him basically ruining Vanguard for people just to make our resident edgelord happy makes sense.  Thing is it more or less worked because Aichi's PSY-Qualia appeared because he was fighting under these conditions.

Black Mage has only become more awesome since the end of 8-Bit Theater.

After that we shift our focus back to the fight itself where Tetsu is able to flip a trigger on Aichi to push him to 3, Aichi fights back with his Blaster Blade turn before we see No Life King Death Anchor hit the board.  I do have to give credit to the animation team for making this fight look more dynamic than some of the recent ones.  Seiger's attack in particular moved better than any of the Pale Moon units we saw recently. 

The episode ends with Kai and Miwa heading to Team Asteroid's HQ with the obvious tell that Kai plans on taking down Asteroid right here, right now.  I'll be shocked if we see Dragonic Waterfall make an appearance.

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