Tuesday 25 September 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard Major Tournament Results - (Sept 22-23/2018)

Same format as last time.  English Results first, then the OCG.  Let's go!

BCS Singapore English Standard Top 2 (100+ Players)
1st) OTT
2nd) OTT

BCS London Standard Top 8 (245 Players)
1 Kagero
1 Spikes

1st) OTT
2nd) OTT
3rd) OTT
4th) OTT* 

*This was originally said to be Kagero but the poster (BVD) later said that "Oracle owned Top 4", I'm interpreting that as OTT got the spot instead.  If this is wrong let me know and I'll correct this.

BCS Singapore English Premium
1st) OTT Gyze
2nd) Diamantes Ripple
3rd) OTT Gyze
4th) Luard

BCS Richmond, British Columbia Standard TOP 8
1 RP
1 Kagero
1 DP
1 Tachikaze
1 Granblue

BCS London Premium (140 Players)
1st) Bad End Spikes
2nd) OTT Gyze 
3rd) IchiTom OTT
4th) OTT Gyze
5th-8th) Granblue/Royals/Royals/Spikes

**The Granblue Player is "The Solemn Vanguard"

WGP Singapore (Japanese Premium - 160 Players): 
1st) Ange Trois 
2nd) Ange Trois 
3rd) OTT Gyze 
4th) NLK Assassin

The poster mentions that the number of players that actually played out this tournament is smaller than what this says since people entered for the free gold marker that was to be distributed at this tournament (or were participating in Standard) and then dropped out.

WGP Singapore (Japanese Standard - 300+):
1st) Murakumo 
2nd) Murakumo
3rd) SP
4th) OTT

1st Place

2nd Place

JVGCS (Japanese Standard - 40 Teams):
1st) SP (7-1)/DP (7-1)/Kagero (3-5)
2nd) Tachikaze/SP/Murakumo (7-1)
The 3rd and 4th place teams haven't been posted yet as one of the players cheated (he tried to add Dragonic Waterfall from his drop zone to the hand) in the 3rd/4th place playoff and got banned from the event (he goes by the name "Dumjid")

Clan Distribution:
Royal Paladin - 7
Kagero - 23
Oracle Think Tank - 26
Nova Grappler - 2
Tachikaze - 3
Megacolony - 4
Spike Brothers - 8
Dimension Police - 4
Granblue - 3
Aqua Force - 0
Shadow Paladin - 24
Pale Moon - 3
Dark Irregulars - 1
Murakumo - 12

1st Place

2nd Place

Credit goes to TeamAbsolution's Discord for the images and results.

I've been told to take the non Japanese events with a grain of salt since their metas tend to be more whack than what is the standard (remember when Vanquisher was topping a bunch in Malaysia but did fuck all anywhere else?) but it's pretty difficult to dismiss Murakumo's presence this week.  Best of 1 format or not seeing two of them in the finals of a 300 man tournament isn't anything to sneeze at even if it isn't in Japan.  Like if I were to make a tier list based on what's been topping I'd have to put them at the top of Tier 2 while OTT and Shadows rule Tier 1.


  1. In your informed opinion, Where does Kagero still fall tier wise in the post AL4 meta?

  2. Same as OTT. Waterfall can still steal games. Even Shadows may not keep up with Kagero if Waterfall goes off in standard format.
