Saturday 26 January 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - Episode 38 Review

Following the hype that was worlds we now get to come back down to the usual with Vanguard V.  To be fair the episode does start off with Ren and Asaka throwing it down with her flinching in pain from any damage dealt which is a clear sign that she has PSY-Qualia now.  Tetsu asks if Suiko fancies herself as a god or devil but she retorts by saying she's merely a Rear-Guard carrying out the will of her Vanguard: put all Vanguard fighters under his control.  The fight continues as Asaka rides to Barking Dragon Tamer and has a PSY-Qualia vision that tells her what the outcome will be and it's that she will defeat Ren.  She does not take this well.

"I don't want to be in this crappy arc!"

At Card Capital the next step of the invasion begins as Kyou arrives looking for Aichi but has to settle for Morikawa as the "strongest fighter" instead thanks to Misaki conveniently leaving the store.  Backwith Ren and Asaka we see the latter struggling to accept the prediction her new powers have given her and I have to admit I'm kind of liking how they're going about this fight.  Zombie Asaka has new powers and they're supposedly enough to allow her to defeat Ren which would make him a zombie which she doesn't want and thus she's all kinds of conflicted here.  I was honestly expecting a retread of the Season 3 fight with Asaka being turned into a massive domineering Yandere so this change means that at the very least some of the fights I'm expecting to see will be handled differently.  But will they be better is the big question here.

Asaka crit sacks the hell out of Ren who manages to survive her push through a Perfect Guard but is still at a disadvantage since despite his opponent using PSY-Qualia in all of its bullshit inducing glory he is yet to use his in response.  Ren asks her if she's foreseen the outcome of this fight which she eventually says yes to while breaking down and weeping and boy howdy this pisses him right off.  Not the hammy kind of anger that we saw from Kai vs the Megacolony player but some straight tranquil fury as he rides Phantom Blaster Dragon.

Remember when this thing was terrifying?  Now it's outclassed by a Tomato.

We cut back to Card Capital as Misaki and Shin arrive with Kamui in tow to find the shop in an unnerving state.  Morikawa challenges Kamui to a fight but Kyou steps in since he's a "halfway decent fighter" while telling Misaki he's the one responsible for the change in everyone's behaviour.  Kamui accepts his challenge before we shift back to Ren telling Asaka to fight him with everything she's got as he calmly tells her that he will defeat her while activating his PSY-Qualia much to the surprise of Suiko.  Shoutout to the OST here proving an added sense of unease and fear among the characters here.  Ren and Asaka speak to each other in the Image World and have a cute little moment as he goes on the offensive by flipping a PG + Crit combination that falls short of being able to close out the fight as she rides her brand new boss unit: Gun Salute Dragon, End of Stage.

Funny how this guy's effect is what SP players wanted for Gust.

Goofy name aside this card is...okay.  Accel Restanders aren't as scary to deal with if their opponent is a Force deck due to that magicial difference between 12k and 13k and Ren shows that by using a Heal Trigger in order to two pass End of Stage despite his power boost from riding over a Grade 3.  Asaka shows off EoS's ability to restand despite never showing us what her drive checks were so I guess none of those were triggers and swings at Ren again while flipping a crit to bring her prophecy regarding the game to a close.  Kamui also loses here and Kyou leaves to find Aichi while his new apprentice looks to fight Misaki while Ren performs a damage check and hits the miracle heal to everyone's shock.  Ren explains that while PSY-Qualia does show the user an intense image leading to the outcome of the fight he's learned from fighting Aichi that those outcomes are not absolute and that when two PSY-Qualia users meet a new fate is made.  To further prove his point he flips a second miracle heal and rides Gust Blaster Dragon.


Ren gets to work closing out the fight by calling over his own rear-guards and using Gust Blaster's skill to retire the rest to buff up his Vanguard to 23 with 4 Crits before showing everyone a power even further beyond that of Super Saiyan by flipping two more crit triggers to put him at 43k 6*.  SHE DEAD.  Suiko steps up to challenge Ren as the episode comes to a close with Miwa and Kai coming into Card Capital with Kamui eager for a fight.

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