Saturday 12 January 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 36 Review

Did someone cut the budget of this show or something?  Not that I ever expected high quality animation out of this series but what's with people looking more off model than usual?  First you've got Misaki missing her bottom lip in one scene and Kourin's chin going from sharp to rounded within two panels.  This is like early Dragon Ball Super of inconsistent we're talking about here.

Vanguard V's usual level of badly done Fanservice backfires through even worse animation.

Anyway the Cardfight Club gets together at Card Captial while Takuto calls Ibuki over to his mansion for a meeting to which the latter is not impressed.  The subject of Deletors are brought up in which Takuto explains that those units are alien to him and given that he's come kind of emissary between Cray and the real world he kind of is aware of most units in the game.  I can only imagine what he would have done in the OG timeline when Gear Chronicle were introduced if he was still around.  Ibuki explains that his deck literally fell into his hands but still hates Vanguard despite owing it while even taking a potshot at Suiko's lackadaisical approach to playing it after she offered to fight him.  Takuto offers to fight instead which gets accepted but not without Ibuki making a remark saying that he is "not a clown that dances for others" which may or may not be a reference to a certain unit given that he IS playing Link Joker?  In any case it's time for Link Joker vs Gold Paladin with characters who by no means have the ability to influence the world around them through card games at all.  Nope.  Nothing bad's gonna happen here.

I do wonder if we're gonna get Egorg down the road.

We get some back and forth with Ibuki's VA (Mamoru Miyano) doing some stellar work in making him sound intimidating as he promises to show how terrifying his deck truly is as he calls down the Bash Bros of Alba + Elro.  Takuto's PSY-Qualia triggers with visions of bad things happening if he doesn't play defensively as we cut to Naoki somehow losing to Kamui who said he was hoping Emi would have been around to watch his games.  Aichi explains that she went shopping with Mai (who iirc hasn't appeared yet in the reboot) while Kourin adds that Rekka went to the mall as well.  Naoki brings up the possibility of the three girls shopping together which Kourin says that would totally never happen so naturally that's what ends up happening as Emi spots her fleeing from groupies and helps her escape followed by the trio chumming around.  I'll admit part of me went d'aww at this as the dynamic between these three in OG Season 3 albeit short was well done and it lead to a cool fight with Kamui and Reverse Rekka that showed everyone that she came to value the friendship between her and Emi/Mai fiercely.  I hope that a similar thing happens here and maybe we'll see a fight between Rekka and Emi later on?  Probably not.

One of the few cases where the new Designs works better.  Rekka's hair is considerably less stupid now.

After that heartwarming moment we cut back to Gold Paladin's getting stomped on as is tradition while Takuto takes his turn and tells Ibuki that he'll show what one can really do with PSY-Qualia after the latter's use of it to flip a trigger at the right time.  Takuto rides Wonder Ezel and uses its ability to superior ride Blond Ezel in a very anime fashion while using his PSY-Qualia to put pressure on Ibuki's own senses while demanding to know why such an anomaly (Deletors) have come to Planet Cray.  He goes onto explain more of what was talked about last week in how Earth and Cray are linked on a level that allows Cardfights to have an influence on the state of Cray and vice versa which definitely won't lead to Shiranui causing a coup d'etat in the future.  Ibuki doesn't buy this but Takuto presses on and gets him to experience the same sensation of being a unit and feeling their pain that we've seen Aichi go through in the past.  New to this speech is that PSY-Qualia users have been around since ancient times (...what) but recently there has been a spike of fighters with a strong affinity for it.  Turns out however that the resonance between people and their units can be in some cases too strong which will lead to destruction and it's because of this risk that the Tatsunagi clan have been monitoring some of the cast to this point.  Of the users Ibuki is the only one who has been having a strong dissonance with his cards which is what has led to this confrontation as Takuto wants to know what he is.


Ibuki tells him to back off and he'll show the true power of Deletors which causes Suiko to remark that they might have fucked up here as we see a board get called down while Takuto ends up with his Vanguard hit by Delete.  This causes some weird feedback in Kourin to occur as Ibuki proceeds to smash face and win.  However the fight doesn't immediately end as Greion starts speaking to Takuto's Astral Body (the form the player "takes" in the game) and calls him the Destiny Conductor.  Before he can understand what's going on Greion deletes his body in the game which severs the connection that he had with Blond Ezel, causes him to slump over and triggers a phenomena in the Ultra Rare Girls that Kourin describes as having her mind overwritten.  This all comes to ahead as Takuto starts to rise up and thanks the confused Ibuki for allowing all this to happen as he now introduces himself as the Destiny Conductor.

Whoa now.  Don't cut yourself with that sudden edginess that you've got.

And it was at this point that Ibuki knew that he fucked up.

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