Sunday 20 January 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 37 Review

Now that the stream for Vanguard Worlds has wrapped up for now I can finally get around to giving my thoughts on this episode.  It kicks off by having Destiny Takuto tell Ibuki and us what exactly happened last episode which is basically summed up as; PSY-Qualia bullshit caused the original spirit of Takuto to be erased and then this new guy came in to take control of his body and abilities.  He's also the one that gave Ibuki the Deletor deck which pisses him right off as he storms out.  Takuto also shows his ability to exert his control over the UR girls to initiate his Zombie Apocalypse and based on their expressions it seems that Suiko is indifferent, Rekka is going to be hammy and Kourin will likely try to struggle against the control initially.  Cue the OP and the 90 millionth ad for Weiss Schwarz that I've seen today.

Enslaved by Weiss or Zombified by PSY-Qualia.  Both are a fate worse than death.

Back at Fukuhara high we see people getting ready for the Koshien and Tetsu is still feeling the effects of his fight with Ibuki which has made him act so differently that Ren is commenting on it.  While that's going on Rekka and Suiko proceed to carry out Takuto's great plan of finding strong fighters to fight.  Doggi boi challenges Suiko to a fight and her new behaviour is something that Asaka immediately notices as he quickly falls in battle.  Afterwards Suiko unleashes some kind of dark power on him that causes the man to undergo a transformation that gives him a new personality and...PSY-Qualia!?

Yep.  This is the much lauded "PSY-Qualia Zombie" storyline kicking into gear and Suiko later explains what's going on to Asaka and later Ren but I'll just talk about it here.  The hook of this plot is that now that Takuto's become evil he's given the UR girls a bit of his power in the form of PSY-Qualia.  However this version is not natural and it causes them to become malicious, get access to stronger cards and if they defeat someone in a Cardfight then it spreads to them like a virus.  The effects on the fighter vary but so far it seems to cause people to become zombie like with a need to fight stronger opponents to spread the virus.  If this sounds familiar it should as it's very similar to the "Reverse" plotline from OG Season 3 albeit this seems to be a bit more grounded?  Reverse was the result of a supernatural force within the lore of the game that was actually real I guess creating a clan that could corrupt units in the game which had an effect on the people that played them and should they win causes the loser to be reversed as well.  Whereas here it's a result of...a supernatural force within the world of the card game that's actually real, created a clan that was used to erase the living barrier that allowed it into the world while also having the ability to turn people evil through card games?

Wow.  When I actually try to break down the two plotlines from a "what do they do" basis they really are so similar you'd have to wonder if it's a rehash.  I guess the way the zombie arc is being presented as actually better as we're getting scene compositions and OSTs that are more horror like than was happened with Reverse but so far...they really aren't that much different.

With all this in mind we see that dog boi with his newly gained power defeats someone and causes him to become infected.  Asaka challenges him to a fight but Suiko intervenes saying that despite his new power she'd still be too much for him which is an interesting tidbit.  It establishes that this virus still has limits to how much power it can give someone.  Suiko then tells Asaka to fight her instead.

At least weeaboos will look less stupid when they try to cosplay this compared to the Reverse days.

Meanwhile Rekka is doing the same thing in the middle school section of Fukuhara having incapacitated a group of students without much trouble (and given what deck she plays that's very understandable) and asks them to take her to the strongest fighter around: Kyou.  The two meet up and eventually decide to fight after we see her minions block off his escape routes while at the same time Suiko challenges Asaka to a fight.  The only UR girl to not do anything during this is Kourin and as I suspected earlier it's because she's trying to fight off his control.  She's able to break free long enough to run away from the school but Misaki spots her as we see the fallout between the Suiko/Asaka fight at Fukuhara High.  She's been zombie'd!  Asaka tries to challenge Ren to a fight but he knows something is wrong here since it's obvious she doesn't want to fight him out of fear of Zombifying him as Suiko appears to explain what's been going on oh and the entire school has been infected except for Ren.  Tetsu apparently doesn't count since he's no longer a fighter after being hit with Delete.

Meanwhile we see Murakumo vs Neo Nectar with the first appearance of floral paladins and...oh lord.  Rekka's using the awful Plant Tokens.  She really has become a villain!  Bad taste aside we Kyou ride to Zanbaku and proceed to rush Rekka down hard with a full board attack that pushes her to 5 damage as she rides to White Lily Musketeer, Cecilia, uses her skill to call a board and flips triggers to win.  Interestingly enough in OG series Kyou never got Reverse'd and even helped fight off Reverse'd fighters during the final moments of the LJ arc so seeing him undergo the equivalent here is a bit new.  Meanwhile Ren gets told by Suiko that if he defeats Asaka in a fight that she'll be released from her current state which he agrees to even with his own PSY-Qualia supposedly gone.  Once again we get to see Ren fight Asaka in a school filled with corrupted fighters.  How did that turn out last time?

Oh this is so not going to be nearly as good.

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