Saturday 13 April 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 49 Review

Takuto remarks that Aichi is no longer a zombie (and by extension Misaki is also unzombie'd) or a Vanguard fighter meaning he isn't his pawn anymore but it doesn't matter as he has a backup.  Then we cut to Ezel saying "it's not over yet" and the OP.

After it we see Misaki waking up from a slumber and no longer a zombie and boy was she ever productive as one.  She got a whole three maybe four lines as a zombie and more or less just agreed with what Aichi said?  What a joke.  You'd think the writers would have done something with an evil Misaki character given that she was one of the originals who never got reversed but nope all this amounted to was a whole lot of nothing. 

Yeah I know they're following the manga to the bloody T and that's been pretty much the core issue of this series since if it wasn't obvious enough the Cardfight!! Vanguard Manga is shit and Itou is a mediocre writer.  These problems with the shit characters that are stripped down versions of their original selves and overall worse?  That's on Itou.  Oh you're going to point out Yu-Gi-Oh! R as a manga he worked on that isn't shit?  Thing is Kazuki Takahashi was also involved in that.  Itou did the art and if he was involved with writing it certainly wasn't nearly to the extent as he was with the Vanguard Manga.

Now where was I?  Oh right.  This episode.  So Takuto explains that since Aichi lost the link between Earth and Cray is weaker while Planet Brandt (which wants to rule Cray) will be stronger.  Also the fight between Aichi and Ibuki isn't over like I thought as we haven't seen a damage check yet.  Naoki tells him to just hit a heal but Misaki says that Aichi's lost his PSY-Qualia for...some reason?  The hell?  Kourin can't watch this anymore (and I don't blame her) when the original Takuto's voice calls out to her and says keep watching as we cut to the United Sanctuary of Cray with Alfred's court.  Blond Ezel strolls in and says that both Royal and Gold Paladins need to unite against the coming threat and Alfred agrees by calling in Zenon for aid.  Yo can we get more stuff like this?  The actual lore of VG has always been intriguing and I bet you an anime based on say the adventures of Blaster Blade would be well received.

Zenon takes to the air and calls upon the help of the guardian dragons Soul Saver Dragon and Thing Saver Dragon to release Ark Saver Dragon so that it can assist Aichi.  The sequence is neat but holy fucking shit they referenced Thing Saver Dragon.  That means there's a very reasonable chance we'll see it for Royal Paladin's next wave of support which could finally be what pushes that deck to BDIF in the actual game.  Back in the real world Kourin notices a change in the light from the moon as Ibuki tells Aichi to take his second damage and that because he's no longer a Vanguard fighter he does't have the power of PSY-Qualia to save him.  Would have been nice to know that sooner when Misaki was talking.  Anyway what was I just saying?  Oh right Ibuki says that without PSY-Qualia Aichi doesn't have the power to flip a miracle heal.

Bitch do you not know a thing about plot armour?

Sure enough Aichi flips the heal trigger and reveals that he still has PSY-Qualia as well as his usual gusto back.  Ibuki freaks out because this hasn't happened before and Takuto realizes that in the short time that was Aichi being set free from his control but before he could start damage checking that Planet Cray interfered to save his ass.  Ren confirms as much and Aichi flat out says "yeah you deleted my bond with the cards but they decided to help anyway and that's why I'm not deleted  Get fucked nerd lol" well okay the last sentence wasn't said but might as well be.  Then to further prove how much of an ass pull this is Aichi also flips a 2nd heal trigger and topdecks Arc Saver Dragon.

Blond Ezel and Blaster Blade chat as Planet Brandt and the Deletors/Starhulks are looming over them but they aren't afraid!  They've got 5 out of 6 Blasters with six different names with them!  Aichi calls 3 of them off of Arc Saver Dragon (and we see him calling a face up Blaster from his damage as per the rulings to so credit for that) and says that even though bonds can be severed they can also be patched up which pisses Ibuki off something fierce.  He makes a rant about how his bonds never repaired themselves as we see him being left behind after Kai and Miwa moved away followed by people fleeing from him after he smashed some Pale Moon player a few years later.  He vowed then that he would use Vanguard to delete all bonds instead.

Yeah Ibuki is fucking lame.  I liked him better when I had a vague idea of who he was in the movie and his character arc in G.  Oops I just mentioned Vanguard G in a favourable manner!  I'm gonna get lynched now!

Aichi tells Ibuki that if he's going to these lengths then he must really love Vanguard at its core and a just arrived Miwa with Kai says that he hasn't changed a bit then.  Kai gets asked why he would show up if he isn't a fighter and Kai says that part of it was out of concern for Aichi's well being while the other part is because the three of them are friends.  Aichi goes on the attack after and the animation becomes really shitty as Ibuki gets beaten down and loses.  Everyone congratulates Aichi on his win and he stumbles over out of exhaustion trying to get to them when Ibuki helps keep him steady.  Aichi thanks him but he wants no part of it.  Do we have a new addition to Aichi's harem?  Let's do the role call once again;

Kai - Brunette childhood friend
Misaki - The quiet defrosting ice queen
Ren - Red haired yandere turned genki girl
Kourin - Blond haired Tsundere
Suiko - Blue haired girl with Boobs of Steel given that she had the best deck in the game until recently.
Naoki - Fiery redhead
Shingo - Nerdy otaku
Ibuki - Silver haired Tsundere

Man that's a decent amount of tropes.  Miwa points out that Aichi and Ibuki are remarkably similar given that the latter acted like the former as a kid much to his chagrin.  Then we get a scene of Naoki decking Ibuki after calling his bluff about being able to dodge his strikes before we finally cut to Takuto realizing that he needs to defeat Aichi or else Brandt's conquest of Cray will fail.  He challenges Aichi but everyone else steps up to the plate as well and the episode ends with Ibuki having a simple thought;

Maybe Vanguard isn't so bad if it allows all these people to act as such a tight group.

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