Friday 26 April 2019

Omni-Dragon Brotaur: New Potential for Thunder Dragon Danger!?

This is just a collection of notes and ideas I've had since the recent Forbidden and Limited List was revealed this week for Yu-Gi-Oh! as the deck that I'm currently playing (Danger! Thunder Dragons which for the rest of this post will be referred to as THUD) got hit in a couple areas.  Namely;

-Summon Sorceress to 0
-Galaxy-Eyes Darkmatter Dragon to 0
-Phantom Skyblaster to 1

What's interesting about this is that these hits were made with THUD in mind so that they wouldn't have to directly touch the deck this soon (gotta sell those fall Mega Tins after all!) the deck...doesn't really care about them if I may be honest.  True losing Sorc and Darkmatter means you can't do the combo that lets you summon Amorphage Goliath off Arkbrave Dragon on the opponent's turn but honestly the Darkmatter combo and build focusing on it wasn't THAT much better than the "standard" build and if anything it made your mirror match worse as using Darkmatter against a THUD player would allow them to banish a Dragonduo, summon a Dragonroar that would add itself to the hand (and fetch Duo on your turn) while using Dragonhawk to mulligan your hand for outs like Levianeer or sided cards.  The guy who won an ARG with THUD didn't even play the package (or Skyblaster) and I think his list is something we should be looking towards to build a base.  Furthermore most THUD players who've had a great deal of experience with the deck would tell you that Summon Sorceress was useful in the deck but not needed.  Combos based on her were weaker to Hand Traps such as Ghost Ogre and she was really only used to unbrick your worst hands.  The big oof from this list is that Skyblaster going to 1 means you have 2 less Starter cards but I think until DANE drops you just play Dark Grepher and Armageddon Knight with Destrudo to make up for it.

Which leads me to the topic of this post: DANE (Dark Neostorm) and the release of a card in that set that I think is worth looking at from the perspective of this deck as it continues to focus on abusing the Guardragon package to help produce its disgusting end boards.  It's a confirmed Secret Rare called Omni-Dragon Brotaur;

Omni-Dragon Brotaur
Lv. 1 Dark
If a monster you control is destroyed by battle or an opponent’s card effect: You can Special Summon this card from the GY (if it was there when that monster was destroyed) or hand (even if not), but banish it when it leaves the field. If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; discard 1 card, and if you do, add 1 monster with the same Type and Attribute, but with different name of the targeted monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of “Omni Dragon Brotaur” once per turn.

That's a decent amount of text but basically this guy has a similar summoning condition as Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair and upon being special summoned you can ditch a card and fetch specific monsters.  His effect triggers off your cards being destroyed by the opponent period so if you have him in hand/GY and your opponent say uses Ghost Ogre on your Saryuja or Guardragon then Brotaur can hit the board and help you extend and that's what I want to talk about here: Brotaur's potential to help THUD extend further.

First lets talk about getting this guy on the field.  The most likely way you're going to summon him is off Saryuja Skull Dread's 3rd effect (Special Summon a monster from the hand) OR Guardragon Elpy's effect (Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your deck).  Once he hits the board depending on where you are in your combo he can discard a card out of your hand (preferrably a Danger! or a Thunder Dragon that you want to banish out of the GY) and grab what you need to keep going and the list of targets the typical THUD deck has at its disposal is interesting;

Dark Dragon (Targets include any of the Guardragons and Brotaur itself): Chaos Dragon Levianeer, Darkest Diabolos Lord of the Lair, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Defrag Dragon, Chaos Emperor Dragon (both versions), Black Dragon Collapserpent, Destrudo the lost Dragon's Frission, Fanastical Dragon Phantazmay, Aether the Evil Empowering Dragon

Light Dragon (Targets include Wyverburstar): White Dragon Wyverburstar, Eclipse Wyvern, Prime Material Dragon, Sauravis the Ancient and Ascended 

Earth Dragon (Targets include Saryuja Skull Dread): Any Amorphage (Goliath and Lechary)

Dark Thunder (Targets include Thunder Dragon Colossus): Thunder Dragondark, Dragonroar and Dragonduo

Light Thunder (Targets include Thunder Dragon Titan): Thunder Dragon, Thunder Dragonhawk, Batteryman Solar

Obviously the best use of this guy is to grab a Dark Dragon as Levianeer is your bomb, Diabolos is solid and Collapserpent is an extender.  Grabbing Goliath and immediately summoning it off Saryuja can also be cute and it lets you do cute side options like grabbing Lechary, setting it and using Heratic Sphere's tribute effect to pull Goliath out of the deck to turn Lechary on against decks like Mystic Mine burn.

Now the downside to Brotaur is the discard requirement which makes you weaker to Ash Blossom/Effect Veiler and having to special summon it to get the search.  By summoning him off Elpy you're admitting that you're probably not going to see Diabolos that game unless you've already drawn him as you're ideally aiming to fetch Levianeer first and Diabolos second.  I want to say the solution is that you max out on Brotaur so you can draw into and summon it off Saryuja but the argument to that is if you draw it and can't special summon the card then Brotaur is a brick in a deck that is literally a pile of bricks held together by the glue that is Saryuja.  I'll test both routes as I prepare for my upcoming Regionals which will most likely have me facing against Orcust, Salamangreat, Mystic Burn and Altergiests.

All in all as I've said twice now I think Brotaur has some merit to the deck and I have no doubt the top level THUD players have been playtesting with this card.  Brotaur looks to be the cheapest Secret Rare of DANE right now so if you can pick them up on the cheap then do it as for all we know once Aaron Chase Furman or Blair Hunter get a top with the deck and if they're playing Brotaur then the card'll double in price.

And that's pretty much it.  Just shooting the shit here.  Until next time.

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