Well this could have gone better and by that I mean ALOT better. I mentioned this a while back in a video that Regina would be getting a second Regionals in March and this happened to be that weekend. It also happened to be the weekend of YCS Austin and not surprisingly the end results were kind of expected.
Except for the whole us not having a Monarch deck that topped. With his entire Extra Deck in toploaders. Wow. This guy must have been a master troll or something as there were ALOT of salt filled posts on Duelistgroundz in regards to this. Some of these people were more salty than myself which may be a shocker to some (you guys know who you are. In fact you're reading this right now.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii.) but yeah its possible. This Regionals was also quite salty. In fact it was basically a fucking salt mine with me driving the cart except for the whole I wasn't the most salty person there. That belonged to the guy who bubbled because of his tie breakers. I promptly gave him the wheel and went about my way.
Anyway I ended up taking Hunders to this since I already had my invite and wanted to play something more wonky than Dragunity (the other choice was Hieratic but I was drawing like the master and by that I mean total ASS in most of my games). In retrospect this was a bad call as I'd never really used the deck much outside of games on DevPro where it tested decent and I was not fully confident in my side decking decisions. I probably should have gone with Chaos Dragon but after getting horribly anal raped by Karakuri the night before I was like "k this isn't going to work." Oh and for the curious our meta turnout was Rabbit, Dark World, Lightsworn, Machina Gadget, Machina Geargia, Chaos Dragon, Mono and Genex Mermail, Fire Fist and finally Dragunity because ever since I topped the last Regionals with them some people have been playing the deck more or in one case outright trying to copy exactly everything I've done.
Oh and there were two women at this. Two out of almost 70. Dat ratio. Oh and they came with their boyfriends......and this is where I'm sure some people just went "well shit."
Moving on I get there with Megamonkey and the rest of the group, do some trades while catching up with the guys from Saskatoon while also learning that a couple people from Winnipeg came all the way here to compete. By the end of the day they were very, very sorry they did. Our head judge does his speech and we're set to begin...except the fucking Dark World player comes in at the last minute, bumps up the rounds of swiss from 6 to 7 and we all have to get re-paired. The stupidity of the deck is astounding if their players can cause fuckups of that magnitude without games being played. So after ANOTHER wait the Regionals begin.
Round 1 - vs Shitty Fucking Awful Mermails (Not even a Win worth counting)
Game 1 - Oh my god I'm paired up with the idiot who tried to mimic my Hazy Flames deck from a while back. Except this time he's trying to play Merlanteans since I guess its the best deck of the format....except that he had no Megalos (only 3 Leeds) and he had NO IDEA of how his cards worked. He was either reading or misreading effects. Example; He summoned Genex Undine and tried to pitch Marksman from the HAND. Oh and apparently he was running Dimensional Fissure in his Side Deck.
Yes I'm being a fucking prick but you have no idea how much facepalm I wanted to do. So I completely and utterly thrash him with Abyss Dweller and Crimson Blader equipped with a Prism and lock him out.
Game 2 - Pretty much the same as before. I put Thunder King on the board and eventually make a Dweller to lock him out of his Linde effects. I kill him after making a Dynamo.
Round 2 - vs Machina Gadgets (1-2)
Game 1 - So this guy's been playing the game since LOB and much like Cameron he has lots, and lots, and lots of decks. You know how in GX Bastion opens up his coat and has a FUCKTON of decks? That's Cameron and this guy. Except this guy's more like Bastion and Cam is so much like Abridged Jaden it's fucking scary.
Oh right the game. I basically managed to keep him from doing much and put out a ton of damage through my constant double summons and he can't keep up.
Game 2 - He summons a Tiger King Wanghu with backrow and I die inside as I've got no out to that thing and despite my best efforts to thin my deck out, stall and hope to draw an out I don't. I was hoping to get a Rai-Oh or a Soul Taker but nope. Worst yet he's got the Starlight Road and I'm pretty much done.
Game 3 - He opens with a Machina Fortress and I Taker it. He summons it again and I taker it. Then we basically poke here and there while drawing backrow but no monsters or a monster but losing it to removal. This game went on a long time and eventually he's able to get the win after finally knocking off the rest of my LP after I take him to around 1200 I think. My only disappointment from this was that I never saw Thunder Seahorse which up until this point I opened with in every game. Now I realize just how much the deck lives and dies by Seahorse. Anyway the handshake was done and he told me that was by far the best game he had in a long time and by the sounds of it the best he had that entire day. I didn't hear it personally but he basically said that I was the toughest and one of the most skilled opponents he had ever faced. Coming from someone who has likely played all kinds of caliber players that does mean alot and it certainly helps my ego. I was still disappoint that my deck failed me though. I don't like to lose.
Round 3 - vs Inzektors (1-2)
Game 1 - I try to make a Stardust but it gets Solemned. Then he proceeds to do Inzektor plays with Call of the Haunted that I can't stop and I pretty much die. My dislike of this deck is well known and I didn't side nearly enough hate for it in retrospect. I always wondered why the guy who topped Hawaii with this deck ran Shadow Mirrors. Now I do.
Game 2 - I get Macro Cosmos off Turn one and beat him to death with it
Game 3 - This was by far my worst playing in a long time as I make the stupid move of negating a Decree with Judgment which puts me at 2800 LP and enough to let him use his Call of the Haunteds to beat over my Dynamo then attack for game. If anything I should have Macro'd Turn 1 (which I didn't because I got greedy and wanted to get the draw off of Dyamo) and i should have let the Decree go since I had Storm and another Macro in hand.
Round 4 - vs Fire Fist Rabbit (0-2)
Game 1 - Oh god fucking dammit. Not this deck. I was not prepared for this at all and I get thoroughly raped by it thanks to a Turn 1 Tiger King and a never ending supply of backrow that I could not get around. I knew he had a Mirror Force and he had Lances, Tensen and a frequent supply of Bears I could not handle.
Game 2 - I Heavy Storm, he Starlight Roads then makes Shock Master and calls Monster Effects. I couldn't even say anything. I couldn't even DO ANYTHING. The fuck do you do against Stardust, Shock Master and Bear with 4 facedowns!? If this was DN or DevPro I would have just outright ragequit and I almost got up and left the room here. I ended up scooping it up and getting out of there before I snapped or something because I got 2-0'd and while I admit I'm not the greatest player in the world I do NOT get fucking 2-0'd. I'm fucking better than THAT. That much I do know! God damn just look at the Gadget match. I lost that but I made it one of the most difficult wins that a person could get. Fucking fighting tooth and nail to the bitter end. This? I got blown out and it was disgusting. I straight up dropped here and decided to participate in the win a mat.
The worst part of this however? My only match win was against a bad player playing a bad deck. That's like OTKing a random 60 card Dark Magician deck on DN. That's not much of a win if you even count it as one. *throws the salt packs out*
Win-A-Mat Tournament
So after waiting 10 minutes and getting pairings done four times we FINALLY got to try to get the badass looking Kaito + Neo Galaxy-Eyes mat which is honestly better than the Regional Mat itself.
Round 1 - vs Machina Geargia (2-1)
Game 1 - My opponent has the Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Hobby League mat and I basically throw things at him to get it and I eventually do.
What the game? Oh fine. He'd never seen a Hunder deck in action before so my plays we're kind of confusing. I eventually make a Stardust with a Prism on it and beat face or something. He couldn't get around my guys.
Game 2 - I drew no monsters for like EVER and got beaten to death.
Game 3 - We pretty much went into a grind game which is fine by me as Hunders love the slow game. Allows me to do constant Seahorse toolboxing to set up then make a push which is what I do here. Not often you can say you managed to beat Machina Geargia at their own strategy but I did here.
Round 2 - vs Sephilonsworn
Game 1 - He attacks me and I drop a Trag and beat face with it and a Thunder King.
Game 2 - I pretty much had him down on the ropes until he rips a Pot of Avarice and drops JDs.
Game 3 - We kinda go back and forth in this. He gets a monster Reborn off but I'm pretty sure he either can't handle the Stardust with Prism or I lock him down with Blader and use Dynamo to finish him off.
Round 3 - vs Fire Fist (0-2)
Game 1 - So all the Fire Fist players came from Winnipeg I think which explains why nobody was prepared for them. I admit we all thought the deck would be non-existent here due to nobody being able to afford a playset of Bear and thats why I didn't side for the deck. Not that it mattered here as he had EVERYTHING. Things to kill my monsters on summon or Lance/Tensen to beat over them. I couldn't do jack all.
Game 2 - He pushes me into a corner then plays Reborn to win it. Fucking hate that card.
And that's as far as I went. I ended up trading cards to get the mat from the winner who was the Fire Fist guy which sounds like was the best move as alot of people hated him. There was also a Chain Burn player who was a complete douche and Magnus thrashed him. Good job. Megamonkey also got Top 4 with his Mermail deck which allows him to choice the coveted Regional Deckbox club that yours truly is a part of.
Anyway if we get another Regionals Tramps is going to have to seriously step up their game because compared to Winnipeg we really are nothing but banjo playing hicks. It pains me to say this but after being at a Regionals in Winnipeg and being at ours twice...its the truth. Also complaints are apparently being made which could affect future regionals here. I think if anything Saskatoon should get the next one. I think their people could handle it better. If we get another one then I definitely agree with Cameron being Head Judge and while I'm touched that him and Magnus think me competent and knowledgeable enough to pull of Judging well (because lets face it, I probably am better suited to this shit than some of the people we've had. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but I am confident in not only my rulings but also applying common sense with card interactions). Would I judge at a Regionals in September or would I rather play Dragons? Good question.
That said after all this we head to East Side Mario's for dinner then to Cameron's to talk, watch TFS Abridged and I had some more games with my Hunders since I wanted to see if the deck was flat out awful or my matchups were. I played against Junk Doppel and Lightsworn where Crimson Blader kinda fucks them up royally so they were lopsided wins in my favour. Score.
-Megamonkey getting another Regional Top.
-Picking up basically an entire Samurai Deck for 30 bucks
-Getting the Win A Mat for 120
-Getting the Red-Eyes Mat that I've wanted for YEARS
-Scrubbing out and finishing in 57th place.
-Not going with Dragons. I love Hunders but Dragons really are my deck.
-Not going with the Photon Thrashers that I ran in early builds. Thrasher + Sishunder into Dynamo would have been real helpful.
-Losing to Monster Reborn and Avarice.
-Getting 2-0'd by Fire Fists. Fun? That was FUN!?
Yeah this day was not very fun at all. I had to wash out alot of salt during my morning showever.
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