Lots of stuff.
Well not really but I did get alot of cards off of a friend who got his friend's collection and there were many awesome things among them. DB Typhoon, 1st Edition SR Luster Dragon 2 and O.M.G. LOB Red-Eyes B. Dragons! I now have a playset! Yeah they aren't 1st Edition but original Red-Eyes are original Red-Eyes.
And then the Pokemon cards I traded for. I got rid of alot of my janky shit for EXes and rarity upgrades to my deck then traded off the EXes for cash and to help people get into the game. Basically I get good cards and get them to other people so they can build decks and fight me, therefore allowing me to have for the first time in 4 years consistent, competent competition. I ended up spending more time doing Pokemon TCG stuff than YGO and didn't play a single game of Vanguard today. It was crazy.
That said I'll do a quick recap of how YGO went for me today;
-I played a whopping couple of games with Lightsworn against Noble Knight. I milled well one game, hitting Necro Gardnas and Skill Prisoner's often to ensure Lumina lived for a few turns and I end up never having to drop Judgment Dragon in either game. Twas gud.
-I played even more games with my own Noble Knights, learning that Call of the Haunted and Gwalchawhatever are bad together and I open with my Gwen WAY too often. This will be a long journey in learning how to be a lightbringer.
Now let's get to the good part. The Pokemon!
First Set - Garchomp/Altaria vs Fairy Box (2-0)
So of the group, Hobo as we call him has been the most active in the game as of late (Megamonkey's a few cards short of having his deck ready to go) and already has a nearly finished Fairy deck. Just lacks a Xernias-EX and some staples. Yes he already has 2 Xernias-EX. It's ridiculous.
Game 1 - I start with a Gible and have to hide behind it as I set up against his less than stellar opening. He does N and Red Card me which suck bullocks but because Gabite is one of the best cards ever I set up Garchomps and kill his stuff before he can get his deck rolling.
Game 2 - A whole 8 hours later we resume our match and I open no basics a couple times before dropping Emolga and a Gible in play. He sets up Fairy Garden and Aromatisse while I set up a couple Altaria and a Garchomp to take early prizes but come across the problem that is Xernias-EX being able to OHKO my Pokemon. I end up making it a war of attrition while using my Dragon to constantly keep a flow of Garchomp going, taking prizes when I can while ultimately setting up a chomp with a Muscle Band and the 2 Energy needed to Dragonblde for 160 damage total. I kill one Xernias with this setup and after a few turns set up the other for a knock out in the same manner thanks to CLUTCHEMOLGA doing 20 damage to it, putting it in range for a revenge kill from Garchomp if he knocks my guy out. He concedes the game knowing that I've got him.
And then we get to the crazy part. Magnus came by today and he brought a pair of 2010 World Championship decks. Luxray/Garchomp and Gyarados from the SP Era of Pokemon TCG. I won't go into the full details of it on here but the SP format is widely considered by many to be one of Pokemon's best, much like Tele-DAD or Goat Format for Yu-Gi-Oh! Megamonkey challenged me to a game of retro format Pokemon which I was only too happy for. I was a complete rookie at the game in 2010 and to be honest a bit of a Hipster so I really missed out on some good things back then. Both of us were pretty much going into this game blind though it was really no surprise that I was given Gyarados to work with. Water OP.
2010 Format - Gyrados (bluestar899) vs Luxchomp (Megamonkey666)
If you want an idea of how these two decks work, check out these videos from when J-Wittz was super competitive at the game;
I miss Profit.
We both start off well. I open with Sableye and we both discover just how good Impersonate is as I get off a Pokemon Collector through it and it allows me to get my ball rolling. He starts benching SPs and snipes my Luxray with his Garchomp (which was a really good play as I opened with Lurxay GL Lv. X. Never played it all game) and I find out through Azelf that 2 of my Magikarp are prized along with a Gyarados which is just awful as my damage output ends up being limited to 60! I'm able to drop a Gyarados thanks to Broken Time Space and start fighting back, taking some prizes (but miss the prized Magikarp!). Monkey meanwhile sets up Dialga G Lv X to make my already dead Luxray in hand worse and my Uxie worthless, but I chip in there with Gyarados and force him to Poketurn the Dialga and Garchomp Lv X on a few occasions. After that I Poketurn my Crobats, get some damage in and Super Scoop Up Gyarados and put it back down with an Expert Belt to start taking some much needed prizes. He eventually KOs the Gyarados but by this time I had all the pieces to set up another one with 3 Magikarp in the discard, an Expert Belt and another Super Scoop up in hand on the off chance that he put Luxray Lv X into the active. After coming to the conclusion he wouldn't be able to set up a Lucario GL and have enough energy for Luxray to OHKO Gyarados he scooped it up as we hit the 40 minute mark. I can easily say without hesitation that was the best game of Pokemon I had ever played and one of the best TCG games I ever played in general. Is it any surprise that it was a game between Megamonkey and I that turned out like this? No not really.
After talking about how intense the game and our plays and misplays (we both botched a couple things) were in addition to just how different Pokemon was from now (lol EXes) we head to Burger King, talk/trade more then peace out.
-Epic trades were epic
-Making a profit off of those trades were epic
-Epic Pokemon games were epic
-Not being able to play in an actual YGO Tourney two weeks in a row now
-Overspending :/
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