Today was dumb. Really, really dumb. Where do I even begin?
Originally for this locals I was going to play Noble Knights as I had picked up the deck, had it all built and ready to go and jazz. Then I find out that Tramps is having a Traditional Format Tournament this weekend and that just BORKS everything up for me as there's no way in hell I'd take Nobles into such an environment when I barely understand the nuances of the deck.
So what do I play?
Initially I considered, built and playtested Mermails for this (and by playtesting I spent almost 2 hours solitaring out hands, combinations of cards and interactions between certain banned cards and what I had present) due to the deck being able to ABUSE Fishborg Blaster with Atlanteans + Card of Safe Return. When I got that kind of setup off it was pretty ridiculous. Sinister Serpent being a constant discard for Pike, Teus and Turge was also nice.
However I was going out of my way far too often to make it work out. I'm talking about devoting my Normal Summon or Rank 4 play to make Lavaval Chain just to dump ' opposed to Bahamut Shark + Abyss-Trite with Pike/Linde in grave. Having Borg being live when I could trop Tidal and Teus is nice and all but the synergy wasn't really there. I ended up changing my mind the day after and decided instead to build Lavals. The reasons for this were numerous;
-Rekindling is at 3.
-Convocation is at 3.
-Storm, Trunade and Feather Duster are legal.
-Dark Strike Fighter is much easier to make in this deck than Mermails, and dumber.
-Painful Choice's interaction with Handmaiden.
-Graceful Charity's interaction with Handmaiden.
-It can drop Shooting Quasar Dragon who is already a bitch to get around, but in an environment where people rarely run battle stopping hand traps like Fader/Crow/Jackfrost I knew if I could make him, I wouldn't lose.
With my decision made I wrote up a quick list, mulled it over and contacted
Rain593 for some input on the deck idea and settled on this abomination;
3x Laval Volcano Handmaiden
2x Laval Magma Cannoneer
1x Laval Lakeside Lady
1x Laval Cannon
1x Boost Warrior
1x Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
2x Battle Fader
2x Ghostrick Jackfrost
2x Maxx "C"
2x Cardcar "D"
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Rekindling
3x Molten Conduction Field
2x Pot of Duality
1x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Graceful Charity
1x Pot of Greed
1x Painful Choice
1x Giant Trunade
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
3x Reckless Greed
2x Breatkthrough Skill
1x Shooting Quasar Dragon
1x Shooting Star Dragon
1x Stardust Spark Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Crimson Blader
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Dark Strike Fighter
1x Laval Stennon
1x Lavalval Dragun
1x Lavalval Dragon
1x Laval Dual Slasher
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Formula Synchron
1x Puralis, The Purple Pyrotile
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Prohibition
2x Royal Decree
2x Gozen Match
2x Effect Veiler
2x D.D. Crow
1x Royal Oppression
1x Dark Hole
Originally I was going to run 3 PoD and 2 Cannons with no Cardcars but I could only find a single Cannon. I originally had Pot of Avarice in as well but honestly the card was just not working for me. I frequently opened with it or drew it LONG after I combod off and killed the opponent. So I threw in the Cardcars with the full intent of YOLOing with this deck. I try to get to Rekindling, Conduction Field and a Level 1 in the first 3 turns or die. Simple as that. How did it go for me? Well...
Round 1 - vs Sylvans (2-0)
Game 1 - He opens with Lonefire which I Maxx "C" and he doesn't stop which ALL of us mock him for doing. He ends with 2 Big Trees and gets me down to less than half life. I go Conduction + Rekindling with Boost Warrior in hand, make Quasar and kill him.
Game 2 - He opens Lonefire again and I have the "C" for him. He for once doesn't turbo scrub and passes with a tree. However I'm a fucking master and have not one but TWO Rekindlings and make Quasar, Dark Strike Fighter, Blaster and Cannoneer and go WARGH BLAFDLFKDFJL at his life and kill him by dealing well over 20000 damage. When asked why did I need to kill him like that I answered simply;
There's no kill like overkill.
Round 2 - vs Blackwings (2-0).
Game 1 - He opens with a Blackwing monster I think? I'm pretty sure I resolved Pot of Greed and Charity into Handmaiden + Cannoneer to make Rekindling live with a Level 1 in hand. Yeeeeaaaah.
Game 2 - He sets some cards after Painful Choicing (I gave him Vayu) and I immediately say "and play Prohibition calling Rekindling" and HE DOES IT. This is the guy that side decks Prohibition in everything by the way. It actually puts me in a spot as I open with Rekindling and Painful Choice with some draw cards. I thin out my deck and set Reckless and Decree which he doesn't clear and it bites him in the ass as I decree what turns out to be Ring of Destruction AND Mirror Force and draw into MST to clear Prohibition and going the fuck OFF with 2 Rekindling. I bounce his monsters with Lavalval Dragon and make Quasar, Dark Strike Fighter, Blaster and some other guys and kill him. Between my monsters and DSF's burn effect I did a total of 24,300 total damage in this turn (DSF's interaction with Quasar is stupid. Sack it off for 2400, then sack off Shooting Star for 2000 damage. Jesus).
Round 3 - vs Junk Doppel (2-0)
Game 1 - He Veiler's my Cardcar but I Breakthrough Skill him a couple times and eventually my draw support to set up Rekindling. I bounce his monsters and OTK him with based Quasar, negating his Gorz along the way.
Game 2 - He opens with a pass, clearly giving away the Gorz and I play accordingly with double Rekindling. I set up Quasar and Dark Strike so that I can OTK him through what turned out to be Gorz AND Trag via knocking him down to 1300 LP and sacking off Quasar for game.
I do some trades at this time and pick up some Pokemon cards which is always nice.
Top 8 - vs X-Sabers (2-0)
Game 1 - He pokes me with an Emmersblade after opening with Card Destruction (knocking out a Painful Choice) while I Sarc out a Rekindling. He can't kill me before then and I go off and kill him.
Game 2 - This one went on for a while. He opens up with Greed, Charity and does Saber combos. He thankfully never uses Gottom's effect and uses Feather Duster while I had 2 Reckless Greed set so I drew a lot. Not enough to combo but I did have plenty of food for Blaster and did a neat little play of having Jackfrost book his Gottoms, then having Lakeside Lady pop it. I eventually win.
Top 4 - vs Blackwings (1-2)
Game 1 - So we shuffle and cut our decks. Then I win the dieroll and he shuffle and cuts my deck again. Is that even allowed? The fact that after the second shuffle and cut I opened with 2 Handmaidens, an Upstart that netted me nothing and a Reckless that also didn't do much makes me wonder if I got stacked. I suppose I could also attribute it to a Combo Deck bricking/fizzling out at the wrong time.
Game 2 - I opened with my sided in Prohibition...and CALLED PROHIBITION. Then I did Laval stuff. Didn't get to make Quasar but I was able to Black Rose and push shit in after.
Game 3 - I opened with Maiden again and don't see a Conduction field for quite some time and take a few shots for it. I am able to Rekindling to make Librarian and Dark Strike Fighter and swing with both, dropping him to 4800. I don't launch my monsters off thinking at least one will life next turn.
Raigeki. Blackwing spam, Dark Strike Fighter. GG. Well that's unfortunate. "Not for me."
Yeah fuck you too Cody. Am I disappointed I burned out here with a match against Megamonkey's Chaos Dragons in the finals on the line? Yes. Am I disappointed I lost to someone that the entire group of us hate and know is awful? Yeah. It IS Traditional after all so being blown out by epic sacking is to be expected.
That being said this was a silly, silly adventure in card games. Lavals were fun to play but I cannot lie when I say Rekindling is DUMB. I proved to everyone today why this card is going to 1 and why it NEEDED to. Above all else I also made it painfully clear why Dark Strike Fighter is getting his errata. It's one thing to have the card and talk warmly about past formats where it saw play like Synchro Cat, then get upset over him being redone to be less stupid.
But then you actually get to play the card in a setting and with a deck that can easily spit out and do derpy shit with just ONE. Now imagine Synchro Cat Format when this guy was at three. Disgusting. Dark Strike Fighter is fully deserving of his Main Phase 1, once per turn only effect.
After this we went to Robins for more games where I savaged Lightsworn and split games with Megamonkey, then went on what I'm referring as "Back Alley Misadventures" with Monkey and group. There was much hugging and wrestling and jumping with dancing and grown men carrying each other around like babies.
Liam and I were all "...this is awkard", until he was put in a shopping cart and thieved by Hellkaiser. He managed to escape before being thrown into foster care and then things became considerably less gay and more about flinging mint candies around in a parking lot.
-Playing Lavals at least once while Rekindling was at 3. Disgusting card is disgusting.
-Playing Lavals with Greed, Charity, Painful and Dark Strike Fighter. Much Synchro, such draw, wow. Most of my turn 1 or 2s ended with me thinning the deck out by 10-13 cards.
-Putting over 24,000 damage on board in a single game. I think that may be my personal best.
-Once again reminding people why Quasar should be feared. In fact people are willing to scoop it up even if I can't game them because I used Upstarts before.
-Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt how busted Dark Strike is pre-errata.
-Burninating many people. I savaged the one guy so hard he STILL can't sit down.
-Bricking/fizzling out at the worst possible time.
-Not being able to burninate everyone. Quasar loves the taste of your salty tears.
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