Friday, 7 March 2014

Not every deck can be Plus One

People really should stop calling their decks "Plus One" when they have no clue what the concept actually means.  Throwing 3 Upstart, 3 Cardcar D into a deck does not make your deck like Fire Fist.   Tacking on a silly tagline to your Six Samurai is not only stupid but again the people doing so most of the time don't understand what the concept of "Plus One" means.

Plus One Fire Fist earned its name not because of Cardcar.  That's only a part of it.  The reason the deck has its name is because the core of the deck naturally generates advantage.  Your plays get you more cards, putting you over your opponent in economy.  That is what a "Plus One" is.  How does Fire Fist do so?  Well;

-Fire Formation - Tenki adds a Beast Warrior to the hand.  That puts you from 6 cards total to 7.
-Fire Fist Bear when it inflicts damage puts a Fire Formation onto the field.  You're up an additional card from before.  Gorilla puts a Formation in play when it runs a card over.
-Tiger King puts a Formation on field which is used to put a card into your hand.  You've gone up 2 cards.
-Wolfbark generates another card every turn he is on the field.  He is card advantage on legs.

Throwing Cardcar into a deck does not automatically make it a Plus One deck, not if the rest of the deck doesn't have additional cards that generate advantage on their own.  If the rest of the deck consists of one for ones you're just playing something standard Yu-Gi-Oh.  Where is your Tenki, Bear or Wolfbark?  Where are the cards that if the opponent doesn't have a response for them will keep giving you free cards every turn, allowing them to run away with the game?  Not every deck can do this.

Am I talking out of my ass?  It's possible.  However it really does bug me when I see people say "OMG I run Cardcar and Upstart!  My deck is Plus One __!" when what they've doesn't function remotely similar to Fire Fist.  Again not every deck can do this.   Not every deck can be a Plus One deck.  Stop calling yours one when it isn't even close to being one.

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